Red Hair and Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder), Ritual Abuse

in #pizzgate6 years ago (edited)

Trigger Warning, Some NSFW content

Although it might sound absurd, I've noticed a strange pattern among those with multiple personality disorder (now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID) - at least those who are featured in public discussion of the subject. The vast majority of them also appear to have red hair, which, as the rarest hair color on the planet, is statistically improbable in terms of random chance.

The global red-headed population comprises only 1-2% of the world's population, with multiple personality disorder reportedly affecting only 1% of the overall population. That red hair would appear so frequently in a small group to begin with seems very unlikely to occur at random.

Unfortunately, I have no working theory on what meaning if any might be drawn from this odd correlation, but once I noticed the pattern, it struck me as a potentially important one 'hidden in plain sight.' I genuinely hope other researchers can make more sense of this.

Physiological Effects of Changes In Gene For Red Hair

Red-heads feel more pain and yet are "tougher "than everyone else, according to an article by ZMScience, which states:

"Genetic studies have shown that a protein-coupled receptor called MC1R holds the key for this mutation. The MC1R protein is responsible for hair color, which can range from black or brown to lighter colors such as blonde and red. Most redheads have a recessive version of the MC1R gene. In addition, MC1R has also been reported to be involved in cancer (independent of skin coloration), developmental processes, and susceptibility to infections and pain."

The article continues:

"The same mechanism that causes this red-tinged pigment also stimulates some hormones, including those called endorphins. Endorphins are secreted within the brain and nervous system and they have a whole bunch physiological functions — but they’re most famous for providing pain relief and making you feel some pleasure. Today, many geneticists are confident that the MC1R gene is directly related to pain."

"A number of studies have shown redheads feel pain differently and have different body reactions. For instance, one study found that people with red hair are more sensitive to thermal pain, while another showed that they are less sensitive to a wide array of painful stimuli, including electrically induced pain. So it’s not as simple as saying that redheads are more or less tolerant to pain — they just tend to feel pain differently. To make it even more intriguing, research has also shown that redheads require more anesthetic. Overall, they’re tougher than pretty much all other hair colors."

"While Sessler’s team has found that redheads are more sensitive to some types of pain (pain produced by hot or cold thermal shocks), other studies found that gingers are less sensitive to electric shock pain. This seems to strongly indicate that redheads process pain differently than other people, probably due to MCR1. In other words, redheads do feel more pain, but they also feel less pain — they just process pain differently. They’re also more resistant to pain produced by spicy foods, showing less sensitivity to capsaicin, the active component of chili peppers."

"A recent study found that redheads appear to have more sex than people with any other hair color. It’s not clear exactly why."

Are there more effects than are currently known or publicly acknowledged in those with red hair, especially in terms of dissociative capability? What other hormonal, neurological and physiological changes might be associated with the MC1R gene?

An article published via Science Nordic states: "The focus of the animal studies was the receptor gene MC1R, which is responsible for producing the brown skin pigment melanin; redheads have a variant of this gene which does not produce melanin. The question is whether there are other consequences, since there are indications that the gene is associated with the central nervous system.

"It seems that MCR1 is involved in central functions in the brain, and we know that subgroups like MC2R, MC3R and MC4R, which are also linked to redheads, have considerable involvement in brain functions. This could be the key to explaining why redheads are a little different to other people," says Arendt-Nielsen."

One study on this phenomenon can be found here: Increased Sensitivity to Thermal Pain and Reduced Subcutaneous Lidocaine Efficacy in Redheads

Red Hair In Multiple Personality Disorder

I first noted the potential correlation between red hair and multiple personality disorder in relation to Kim Noble, who is well known and has at least a hundred documented personalities.



A more recent example is that of Jenny Haynes, pictured below, who was recently featured in Australian news media and reportedly has over 2500 personalities.


Australian news media wrote of Jenny Haynes' childhood:

"She has dissociative identity disorder – previously known as multiple personality disorder. Her father’s sexual abuse forced her to develop the thousands of personalities as the only way to cope, including “Muscles” and four-year-old “Symphony”, who were two of the 33 identities she embodied on Friday while giving evidence.

“All the other alters … have done their job so well and kept Jenny alive,” she said. “When Dad nearly killed us physically, Symphony removed the alter who was almost dead and replaced them with a fresh alter to keep going.” Ms Haynes has a permanent colostomy bag – which she described as a “degrading, daily reminder” of her father’s crimes – and unending issues with eyesight, hearing, dentistry and mental health.

“My dad stole my glasses off my face every time he wanted to abuse me,” she told the court. “He took away my eyes and held them hostage. Whenever I cannot see or my vision is impaired, I panic and am plunged into flashbacks.”Haynes’ depraved rituals have made her fear birthdays, relationships, men, bathrooms and even enjoying food."

We also know that Haynes is a natural red-head, thanks to the pictures of her as a child broadcast by 60 Minutes Australia:

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More archived information on Haynes' story can be found here.Despite the mind-boggling number of alters she created, Jenny Haynes was not reported to have experienced ritual abuse.

In contrast, Regina Louf was a key witness in the Dutroux ritual abuse and human trafficking scandal that shook Belgium in the mid 1990's. Like Noble and Haynes, Louf is red-headed, and reportedly suffers from multiple personality disorder.

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An old documentary on multiple personality disorder, shows two out of the three subjects of the film that appear to have reddish-brown hair, particularly the third (it is difficult to determine re: the male MPD sufferer due to poor video quality and lighting):

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As a side note on that particular documentary, the credits end with narration by Gloria Steinem, well known as a feminist and CIA associate. That history has been pointed out by Wikileaks, and there is even a film clip of Steinem discussing her work with the agency. This is noteworthy, because of the interest of that same agency in multiple personality disorder, and in harnessing it to create agents who would be able to execute tasks with no memory of those tasks once performed or even that orders had been given.

Christine Pattillo, who also suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, was featured by USA Today and also has red hair.

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The USA Today episode states that Multiple Personality Disorder effects "a fraction of 1% of the population." If that is correct, how is it possible that so many of these individuals also have the rarest hair color in the world?

An unnamed woman, pictured below, featured in a 1993 film on multiple personality disorder also had red hair, which may be dyed.

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In a second part of the same documentary, the woman states that her father was a member of a group of pedophiles including old men, and mentions being taken to "rituals," in addition to other abuse.

Dr. Phil interviewed a woman with fMPD who also appeared to be red-headed:

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Oprah Winfrey interviewed Ruth Finley, who discussed her experience with multiple personality disorder. Ruth appears to be red-headed, but it is difficult to tell whether this is natural, dyed, or dyed to cover grey in what was previously red hair.

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Nicholas, 23 years old, appeared in a video published by Minds Like Ours
, discussing his multiple personality disorder. He also appears to have red hair, though the lighting and video quality is relatively low.

An additional homemade documentary on "Jane," who suffers DID, made by her son, also shows Jane to be red-headed.

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(Jane is pictured left, above)

Leah Peterson: is a consultant for the United States of Tara, has multiple personality disorder and appears to have red-brown hair, but it may be dyed.

Youtube channel "the entropy system"is run by a woman with multiple personality disorder who also appears to be naturally red-headed.

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Red Hair In Those Associated With Ritual Abuse Imagery

Arrington de Dionyso, an artist associated with Pizzagate who I've previously discussed, also has red hair.

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His work often, but not exclusively, depicts red-haired people:

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Although the above images by Dionyso are non-violent, his work often includes ritual abuse imagery, depicting dissociation and possibly the creation of a split personality via decapitation and re-attachment of multiple heads, etc. His work appeared on the walls of Comet Ping Pong Pizza. The victims and perpetrators in his work are often, but not exclusively, red-headed.


Red Hair In Those Who Publish Accounts of Ritual Abuse

Even Ronald Bernard, who made alternative-news headlines when he came forward on Dutch television to speak out about subjects including elite Luciferianism and child sacrifice, has red hair.

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This observation is not meant as a dismissal or approval of Bernard's truthfulness or his intentions, and is included here simply as another example of this trend that seems extremely common among those associated with or who survived ritual abuse and related issues. To my knowledge Bernard does not claim to suffer from multiple personality disorder.

So What? Finding An Explanation

There are a few potential lines of enquiry that are already well-established, when it comes to potential explanations of "special qualities" associated with red hair, whether that be the Rh negative blood type, Neanderthal genes, or other theories. None of the explanations currently available are satisfactory, and none of them directly relate red hair with the tendency to develop multiple personality disorder. Despite the limited evidence available, I will consider a couple of these possible theories below, though I adhere to none of them entirely. A discussion of the main points of each may help someone else in future find a connection I was not able to make.

Rh Negative

One site discussed anecdotal evidence for a potential link (perhaps correlation rather than causation?) between Rh negative blood and red hair:

"In the past years I have studied the rh negative blood factor extensively and through my studies I have managed to observe thousands of rhesus negative people... One thing I have discovered immediately was however the high percentage of people with red hair amongst my members. Looking at the profiles of my members, I right away noticed the majority of them having red, reddish hair or at least some reddish shimmer in their hair."
One explanation for this could be Celtic heritage.

"Not all red haired people are rhesus negative, but many of the one who are not do carry the rhesus negative gene recessively.

"Just like red hair is rare, so is the rh negative blood factor. Around 15% of Europeans have it. Areas like Northern Ireland around 27%. South East Asia less than one percent. Just as red hair is regional, so is the rh negative blood factor. Is there a connection? And if so, then what is the common history? (See also: The History of Red Hair and Rh Negative Blood)"

While the above anecdotal reference does suggest a link of some kind between Rh negative blood and red hair, there is no evidential or scientific evidence I could find which confirmed or explained this. Many websites state-as-fact that Rh negative is associated with red hair as well as a slew of undefinable emotional-spiritual qualities, which would be impossible to scientifically evaluate. Besides these pop-culture, vacuous statements which seem to have been repeated verbatim across the internet, there was no solid evidence backing the claim that I was able to find.

Other - likewise anecdotal or circumstantial - evidence for the relationship between Rh negative blood and ritual abuse / elite activities are found in the work of some HR Giger, whose art work I've previously discussed in relation to pizzagate.

One of his works is named "ARh+" or "A Rhesus Positiv." (spelled without an "e")


"ARh+" is also the title of a book published by Giger with an introduction by Timothy Leary.

Seen in terms of Giger's fear of overpopulation and his oft-repeated comparison of fetuses with bullets, one might interpret Giger's reference to 'Rhesus positive' shown in terms of baby-bullets as a depiction of Rh + as the blood type of the "unwashed masses," who he appeared to view with contempt. Giger's view of Rh positives appeared to be that they are not only a tangible threat but a plague to be exterminated.

In contrast, what would Giger's perception of 'Rhesus Negative' population look like?

While Giger's piece does not provide any information regarding Rh negative blood and red hair, or red hair and a tendency to fragment during dissociation, it does reflect a preoccupation of the "elite" with Rh factor as a determining indicator of who made up the ruling classes verses the 'plebian' underclass.

Given Giger's insider-knowledge of the metaphors of pizza and pasta in terms of infant sexual abuse and cannibalism decades before pizzagate erupted, Giger's presentation of Rh+ can be viewed as another example of insider information.


For this reason, if not "alien ancestor" theories and rubbish pseudoscience, Rh negative as a topic should be researched further in potential association with ritual abuse perpetrators and victims.

This is not to say that there is no controversial history to be found regarding the Rh negative population, but it is to observe that much of the pseudo-scientific information available on the subject is unfounded trash (try fact checking it yourself and decide for yourself whether I am overstating that opinion). This glut of factless speculation may in part represent an effort to distract or deflect from the real core issue around the blood type's origin or biological impact.

In short: I do not believe that the wildest alien-ancestor theory holds a candle to whatever is actually going on with Rh negative, but that is more reason to research the issue rather than dismiss it. It's also disappointingly unclear as to what if any link Rh negative has with red hair.

Neanderthal DNA

Some studies over the years have suggested that Neanderthals carried a gene for red hair and fair skin, which then mixed with anatomically modern humans created the preclusion of redheads in Europe, the Middle East and Eurasia. However, newer evidence appears to have debunked or at minimum challenged this theory, suggesting that the genes carried by Neanderthals, while coding for light skin, did not express directly as red hair. The article states:

"One of the very first features suggested as having a Neanderthal origin was red hair. A set of Neanderthal genes responsible for both light hair and skin colour was identified by geneticists more than a decade ago and linked to human survival at high latitude, light poor, regions like Europe. Because the Neanderthals had lived in Europe for several hundred thousand years, it was reasoned that natural selection gave them light skin and hair colour helping to prevent diseases like rickets from occurring."

"But as is so often the case in science, the situation is far more complicated than most of us would have imagined. Red hair wasn't inherited from Neanderthals at all. It now turns out they didn't even carry the gene for it! Red hair is a uniquely human feature, according to a new study by Michael Danneman and Janet Kelso of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and published in the The American Journal of Human Genetics."

Red Haired "Giants"

The final theory presently available that might explain a different reaction to abuse in those with red hair is the controversial idea of a race of cannibalistic red haired giants, who were described in the histories of Native American tribes as well as in the anecdotal accounts of US and coalition military forces in the middle east, specifically Afghanistan.

One such version of an alleged military encounter with a violent red haired giant in the Afghan province of Kandahar is included below (I'm not endorsing the channel or its claims, just sharing the interview):

The story cites two ex-military sources. The "giant of Kandahar" was said to have killed multiple service-members, had "six fingers and six toes," had "flaming red/scarlet red hair," was 12-15 ft, and smelled strongly of skunk or "rotting corpses." The service-member described the giant dwelling in a cave surrounded by animal remains.

The Native American Paiute tribe's oral history includes accounts of the "Si-Te-Cah," who were a "a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants."

According to the Wikipedia page for the Si-Te-Cah, a the remains of a large man were found in Nevada's Lovelock cave:

"A written report by James H. Hart, the first of two miners to excavate the [Lovelock] cave in the fall of 1911, recalls that in the north-central part of the cave, about four feet deep, "was a striking looking body of a man “six feet six inches tall.” His body was mummified and his hair distinctly red."

"Unfortunately in the first year of mining, some of the human remains and artifacts were lost and destroyed. "The best specimen of the adult mummies was boiled and destroyed by a local fraternal lodge, which wanted the skeleton for initiation purposes." Also, several of the fiber sandals found in the cave were remarkably large, and one reported at over 15 inches (38 cm) in length was said to be on display at the Nevada Historical Society's museum in Reno in 1952."

"The Paiute tradition asserts that the Si-Te-Cah people practiced cannibalism, and this may have had some basis in fact. During the 1924 excavation of the cave, a series of three human bones were found near the surface towards the mouth of the cave. "These had been split to extract the marrow, as animal bones were split, and probably indicate cannibalism during a famine."

There are various videos on the red-headed giants of North America, most centering on Lovelock Cave in Nevada, where "9 ft" long skeleton(s) with "reddish" hair still attached to the skull(s) were found. There is no theory - to my knowledge - that presently links these alleged cannibals with a susceptibility to multiple personality disorder, though the cannibalism of the so-called giants does remind one of the ritualized cannibalism often present at the heart of ritual abuse experiences. Some videos provide more useful information than others.

In addition to videos, hundreds of newspaper clippings describing the recovery of giant skeletons in the Americas are archived across various different websites. Additional archives available: 1

In theory one might question the validity of such clippings, but in some cases they can be sourced directly to the newspaper that published them, including the New York Times.

Due to space limitations, I cannot begin to archive all of the clippings, and have included a sparse variety of them below.








9-Twice-a-Week Plain Dealer Giant Skeleton Is Found.jpg


One of the more outlandish reports indicated the find of a giant that was allegedly 18 feet tall, though this account seems likely to be an exaggeration or fabrication, as it was based on the word of a single oil-man. Another report described a nine-ft-tall giant, among a great number of such skeletons.

Most reports I came across describe skeletons that were 7-8 feet tall, with skulls that differed from that of "normal" humans, sometimes described with foreheads slanting back immediately from the eye sockets.

In addition, I ran across an extremely helpful searchable archive of newspapers dating from the late 1700's to 1963, in which I was able to independently find a number of stories regarding the reported discovery of "giant" skeletons, often associated with ancient burial mounds.

In Mesoamerica, the giants were known as "Quinametzin," and the Wikipedia page on the subject states:

"The quinametzin were believed to be the builders of the city of Teotihuacan and Tlachihualtépetl on which the main temple to the Plumed Serpent in Cholula was built . The Tlaxcalans related that, in times close to the Spanish Conquest, they themselves had fought against the last quinametzin."

"[Quinametzin's] ruler, according to some versions of the myth, was Tlaloc."

Tlaloc is a rain god to whom children were ritually sacrificed, using as much pain as possible in order to produce tears, without which the Aztecs believed there would be no rain.


While we only have newspaper records from North America to attest to the reality of these finds, abnormal skulls are visible and on display in South America, including the elongated skulls of the Paracas Culture, found in Peru, some of which appear to retain sections of red hair attached to them.

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It's also worth noting that hair can turn red in the process of decomposition, so it is not certain that these skulls - or the alleged remains found in North America - had red hair while living. In my inexpert opinion it is not impossible that the skulls had red hair while living, as other mummies from South America with sightly elongated skulls (more likely achieved via boarding the head in infancy) of a similar age are seen with clearly black hair rather than red hair.

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Unfortunately, the only coverage of this issue comes from shows like "Ancient Aliens," which quoted Brien Foerster, a (former?) member of the Biological Sciences department of the University of Victoria (Canada) and the Asst Director of the private "Paracas History Museum," who stated:

"About 5% of the elongated skulls that we find in Paracas are so complex in shape and size that it's hard to believe they are the result of any cranial deformation or headbinding. Not only are they elongated vertically, but also the eye sockets are much larger than normal. There are two holes in the back of the skull called foramen, through which blood and nerve flow occurred, and also their jaws were very robust."

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Brian added regarding the results of DNA testing:

"There were certain segments of the DNA that didn't match anything known to be human. What is suggests to me is that the Paracas could very well have been an ancient bloodline related to homosapiens but not specifically homo sapiens itself. "

Other videos posted by Foerster indicate that the DNA testing of the Paracas skulls suggests they had European and/or Eurasian ancestry centering around the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and had blood types not usually seen in Native Americans (who Foerster claims are universally blood type O) -- Foerster does not elaborate on the Rh factor when discussing these blood types.

Ancient mummified remains with red and blonde hair have also been documented in China, though the remains in question were not abnormal in terms of size or skull shape. Forbes reported on DNA testing of the mummies, which revealed that some of the DNA present could not be accounted for:

"In looking more closely at the lineages and mutations, however, Li and colleagues noted that several of the samples had mutations that are either rare in modern people or are not found in modern gene banks."

Overall, scientists concluded that the red-haired mummies were related to Western Europeans, Eurasians and Asians:

""Considering the presence of haplogroups H and K in the Xiaohe people and the geographical distribution of shared sequences, we conclude that the west Eurasian component observed in the Xiaohe people originated from western Europe, and maternal ancestry of the Xiaohe people might have close relationships with western Europeans," Li and colleagues note. By the Bronze Age, the people buried at Xiaohe cemetery were already "admixed," coming together millennia earlier in Siberia and Mongolia."

Returning to the Paracas skulls, we find that DNA testing results as well as their dramatic physical abnormalities have been discussed via a variety of additional websites, which state:

"The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Now a second round of DNA testing has been completed and the results are just as controversial – the skulls tested, which date back as far as 2,000 years, were shown to have European and Middle Eastern Origin. These surprising results change the known history about how the Americas were populated."

Another page tries to tie these skulls and their DNA results to the "Nephilim." I hesitate to buy into such a theory, and treat the relevant biblical passages and content of the book of Enoch as no more or less historically accurate than any other oral history eventually written down, like those of the Paiute indigenous peoples. In other words, it may contain fragments of truth but should not be taken literally.

Beyond the obvious shared descriptions of larger-than-normal stature and abnormal skull shape, the oral traditions associated with these beings describe them as unusually violent/cruel/barbaric, often cannibalistic, whether we are talking about the book of Enoch, the history of the Paiute tribe, or other myths/legends.

To be clear, I am not advocating for the conclusion that the Paracas skulls are that of extraterrestrials or the offspring of "fallen angels" sometimes referred to as "Nephilim." I believe it is much more likely that the skulls represent a species similar and related to - but separate from - modern humans, an evolutionary cousin that also developed sentience, in much larger bodies with very differing skull shapes.

In my speculative opinion, it is possible that the reality of this hidden evolutionary cousin is hidden from us, not because of ET's or Demons, as many sites claim but potentially because the descendants of this species constitute the rulers, elite, and ritual abusers that ruled the world in antiquity and continue to run the world today.

Hiding the existence of such genetic differences might hide the reality that "they" are markedly different to "normal" modern humans physically and behaviorally as well. Is this unknown species the ultimate source of ritual abuse, cannibalism, and the ritualized splitting of the psyche into fragmented selves? Is it the source of, or associated with, Rh negative blood?


The red-hair-as-alien theme has been openly mocked by a Youtube channel with over 15 million subscribers. Like pizzagate, the subject has been partially defused via straw-man arguments and widespread misinformation. The trouble is discerning which nuggets of truth to pursue, and what constitutes the detritus of unfounded speculation.

Though subjects like Rh-negative, red haired giants and the intermingling of Neanderthals with humans are well known and have been explored by many others, the discussion of red hair in terms of multiple personality disorder (DID) is unique to my knowledge. It is currently impossible to reach a definitive conclusion on what might be driving this connection, and multiple theories discussed in this article may be connected in some way to this finding.

I hope other researchers will add to the thoughts presented here in future, and fill in more of the missing pieces of this still-mysterious picture.


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Tomorrow, I will be linking one of your posts. The one about the FMSF. This is how I found your content. And now I've been reading it for hours. I hope you'll soon come back and give me some more! :)
Concerning red hairs, the only thing I immediately thought of was the fact you already mentioned: That the bible states that the children of fallen angels and humans were tall, red-haired, and pale-skinned.

Hi @whitedeer9217! A survivor of ritual abuse from Germany is your new follower and happy to meet you! :)