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RE: Why You Should Care About Plagiarism and Fair Use

in #plagiarism9 years ago

Recently he posted an article which originally had a screen grab of a preview of a copyrighted image.

I was actually one who called him out on that in the comments (I don't know if I was the first, when I looked later it had become a swan and I had no responses to my comment).

What would you think of making an easier way to give credit to pictures videos etc. It would be nice if we could have an easy way to attribute content to someone without trying to copy, format and shorten url's. I also wonder about fair use, because there is no way people are tracking down people's pictures on google images to see if they can use their work (I know @stellabelle has reached out yo Giphy and you may too, but very few have).

I'm interested in seeing the response when someone uploads an entire movie or cd to steemit. Will the community flag them down or will internet companies remove steemit from their searches?

I'm glad you are bringing this up for discussion, since you have a good inside view about what may be to come given your job at the moment.

I'll keep my eyes on this post


Thanks Ben and thanks for calling out Dan for the image he used. It seems, by his actions, he agreed with your assessment of the situation because he made the change.

I emailed XKCD for an earlier post, but never got a response. I'm really curious about Giphy as well because they seem to just grab them from other sources (such as the one which had the gif in this post).

I am planning on doing an update for the UFC fight piece I did, but am unsure if I can take apart clips and post them or what fair rights/copyrights allow. It's a gray area for me.

This early on, I think best effort would be acceptable by the community, though you could go with strict copyright laws to be on the safe side as far as adding existential risk to the platform. Most sporting events are really, really clear about "no part of this broadcast or accounts of this event may be redistributed without written consent" blah blah, you get the idea. Should we respect that? Is it just a legal thing or is there something deeper there as far as building the world we all want to live in?

Exactly. But at the same time highlights are often left up by the UFC so it seems that a "sampling" tends to be allowed. I definitely do not want to do anything that could harm the platform though. It means a lot to me