Yes please read the whole thing to see how full of shit this dude is.
kool you made a new hittler poster that wasent on the original post you hid his pict in.
you need to learn about fair use act.
and no I don't need to leave links to that screen shot I just posted.
but please go back and see his copy pasta and how this is all a red herring to draw attention away from his copy pasta proven.
The fact that I did not know how to hyper link does not mean I don't know how to post links it just means they look like the link so people can nknow what they are instead of your little 1-2-3-4-5 shit with hittler hidden in the 3.
You used pictures with copy rights on them and you werased them from the picts then claimed them to be your own when the text you put on them was stolen from a website and your even copyed and pasted them wrong. the proof is their. please everyone check it out.
Also see the link to my post. I don't have to hyper link it to post it. -smh-
Copyright text applies to more than 10 words. Again you are ignorant. That was also circumstential. I didn't actually copy any text.
You never even mentioned "found my shit on google"
anyways. good job to @blocktrades supporting people who damage Steemit. I guess he is a little sour with my latter post still.
have fun boys.
yeah that is why the site you copied from shows that you wernt paying attention and added the wrong example to the wrong fallacy. I posted a screenshot and a link to the text it was stolen from and the snippit of it has the mistake you made highlighting that you wernt even paying attention to what you were copyig and pasting. keep up with your charcter attacks because you have nothing to back youself up with. its funny to me.

You are wasting your time trying to red herring and ad hominem.
so keep it up im enjoying the humor.
That is not the wrong fallacy. it is often perceived as the same since they are so close. As you can see from all the copyright accusations, all your crap, you ended up in one posted that supposely i copied and made a mistake after you did extensive research to find mistakes.
You are a moron afterall. This is not an insult but a dictionary definition. A look at your posts confirms that as well. 2 months in and you don't even how to hyperlink. you knew. you are just lazy ignoring copyright laws.
they are not the same fallacy. if they were they would be grouped together like the actual fallacy you took the example from. your example is of false dichotomy/black white/false dilemma. -smh-

did you even read the text you were copying?
this is all retarded.
learn about fair use.
I will start putting fair use at the bottom of all my postsso you can all fuck off with your bullshit.
so go back to copy pasta and calling the kettle black, fucking swear.