I keep finding blog entries by people who post other peoples' youtube videos, photographs or webpage content and earn money because people like it and upvote that post. Actually this is called plagiarism. Upvoting should be based on quality and the original author should benefit. What do you think about it?
Are they copying or linking? Linking is not plagiarism. It's not (necessarily) unfair to get paid for finding cool stuff and bringing it to people's attention. Even if you didn't create the cool stuff yourself.
Right. Last week I posted Biggies original demo tape. The way I look at it is if you enjoy the photo or video or article, you are upvoting/paying me, not for producing the article, but for bringing it to your attention. If I said this scene from a tv show is funny, you agree, upvote me, become a fan of the tv show, then you support the creators as you see fit.
However if you paste a Washington Post article into the body of your post and act like it is your original content, that's plagerism
That's true. I think it's ok to link. But the question is whether it is ok to be paid for it in the same way as if you were the author and posted it.
In my post I was writing about people who post stuff without mentioning the source (e.g. pictures etc.)
I'm talking about copying. Thanks for the hint ;)
Maybe you can link some examples.
The following should be a copy. It's a post without a source and I suppose that the blogger is not the owner of the picture. There is no link to it.
Well you should mention the source if that's rellavent. If I made a steamit post linking to my favorite SNL skit, I'd say, this always makes me laugh, its from snl, my justification for being paid is that I showed you new content you'd never seen, hadn't heard of and wouldn't have clicked on if it wasn't for me.