I took the time to open all of these links to make sure they were legit, everything seems to be in working order. Please let me know if any links are broken and I will do my best to find another source of information.
What exactly do you think is going on here? hmmmm?
Click here to watch Video
This information is #Reposted from https://www.facebook.com/tino.b.garcia/posts/10158225200174259
Full link version on HackMD https://hackmd.io/@bViuXnWeRTac5ryDtk6k9Q/r1uVZC4q8
"Some of this I've come across too. Other parts are new. But adding it to the list. This has been a highly debated topic. Sharing info instead of censoring is caring. Two stages.
From a friend: For Those Who Doubt the Plandemic Movie
I researched some of the “facts” going around claiming to have “debunked” the movie, which are being regurgitated by many who prefer to remain asleep and won’t put the effort in to research things themselves. Here is what I found along with all of my supporting sources.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci has worked at the National Institute of Health (NIH) since 1968 and has been a Director with the organization since 1984, “both as a scientist and as the head of the NIAID at the NIH”. A simple Wikipedia search resolved that one.
- The NIH was one of the institutions funding the original study published in 10/23/2009, which Dr. Mikovits participated in and makes reference to in the Plandemic movie. Dr. Fauci worked at and continues to work at the NIH, one of the primary financial contributors to the study as one of it’s most senior directors, so you can indeed say that Dr. Judy Mikovits was in fact working for Dr. Fauci. I have downloaded the complete original study and saved for you to access here (highlights on page 3 denote Dr. Judy Mikovits’s participation and her employing firm) (highlights on page 6 indicate the institutions which provided the funding for the study):
- The study was challenged in 2010, when other researches could not replicate their findings and in September 2010, the original team, inclusive of Dr. Judy Mikovits issued an official response supporting their work.
- After which the original study was partially and then subsequently fully retracted (a very rare move in science). The partial retraction document states that two of the co-authors, Robert Silverman and Das Gupta (whom the original study listed as working for the Department of Cancer Biology) re-analyzed the samples they used and discovered that they had been contaminated. Please refer back to the first link provided herein, for item #1 showing the original study, indicates on the document that it has since been retracted.
Here you will see the retraction statement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vdBtf7MBkogY1TmNbcDP9al609JqXUgY/view
- That Dr. Mikovits was in fact arrested and I quote the prosecuting district attorney, that said the charges were dropped because "there were issues with the witnesses".
- In September 2012, Dr. Judy Mikovits and a team of other scientists conducted another study replicating the original one and published their findings, ultimately resolving the scientific community’s dispute over the original work.
- As previously shared in another post, Dr. Fauci does in fact hold a large number of patents related to HIV (as Dr. Judy Mikovits states in the video). He also holds numerous patents related to Coronaviruses.
Other Interesting and Related Facts:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has appointed Dr. Anthony Fauci to their Vaccination Action Plan.
Bill Gates personally owns a number vaccine related patents (amongst many other interesting and unrelated patents):
Pirbright, a company funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation owns a European patent “protecting replication of a variant gene of an avian infectious bronchitis virus”.
European Patent# 3 172 319 B1 https://data.epo.org/publication-server/pdf-document?pn=3172319&ki=B1&cc=EP&pd=20191120
Here is proof that Pirbright is in fact funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Pirbright also owns a US patent on the Coronavirus (you will need to scroll down quite a bit to see the owner and inventor as they really covered every base on this patent).
Vanderbilt University owns a large number of Coronavirus vaccine patents:
Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Director of Vanderbilt University go back..
Here you see them lobbying together: https://news.vumc.org/tag/anthony-fauci/
Here it mentions how they went to college together:
Also as previously shared in another post, the polio vaccines that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation tested on children in the Africa, caused an outbreak of Polio from the vaccine itself and paralysis on the children.
https://thebulletin.org/2018/07/vaccine-causing-polio-in-africa-context-from-an-expert/ "
-End of Facebook post.
AltCensored there is much information within.If you think the #plandemic movie was "conspiracy theory", please, do your own research. Wake up. There are people in control of the medical system who do not have your best interests in mind. Take a look at some of the videos that have been uploaded to this site called
Do you really think this man cares whether you live or die?
I don't.
He thinks of us as "excess people"
These people care...