Ironically, such monkeying around with the atmosphere is dangerous, especially when we live in an Ice Age and the intended result is to cool the planet. Our current interglacial "island of warmth" is overdue to end. In fact, there are signs it started to end about 3,000 years ago with a significant cooling trend, including our Modern Warm period. The notion that the Modern is the warmest era in history is nonsense. Evidence shows that the Medieval Warm period was the second coldest of the Holocene's ten major warm periods, and it was warmer than the present with lots of scientific evidence to back up this assertion. For one, the Vikings could grow grains in Greenland for hundreds of years during the Medieval. Can't do that today; it's too cold.
History shows us numerous examples of prosperity from far warmer periods of the past—Holocene Optimum with its green Sahara for 3,000 years, the Minoan Warm period, the Roman Warm period, the Medieval Warm period and our current Modern Warm period. The periodic nature of these major warm cycles (1,000-year) suggests that the Modern is only the most recent in a series of wholly natural times of warmth. History also shows us that significant cooling frequently leads to famines and societal collapses, like the Greek Dark Ages (1100-800 BC), the Medieval Dark Ages (500-900 AD), and the Little Ice Age (1350-1850 AD). Tens of millions died from the famines.
When I heard former CIA Director Brennan praising this geoengineering junk and their attempts to cool down the planet "like volcanoes do," I had only recently studied the 1816 year without a summer which had occurred exactly 200 years earlier. That volcanic cooling killed thousands and turned thousands more into climate refugees.
It appears we have mad men who are taking advantage of the ignorance of most of us so they can do the unthinkable.
Caring about our world is a good thing. Doing the right thing to act on that care is vital. That requires understanding the issues and enough humility to keep from making the biggest mistake in history.