WTF, about me story, I must be stupid!

in #planet9 years ago

OK, I'm a female human from the planet Earth,
I've always been very different from other other humans. Not educated compared to most humans on this plane of the planet I live on. I am always like looking for the best of the others and don't exactly care if a hue is not a wo or man and whatever. If you and I don't always understand me, we, they, or them, I don't care, I like thinking of our differences. I share my thoughts with whom ever will listen or read. I care about the beginning of my past the love that sprang into arms that rapped a bond and knowledge needed to produce my projectiles and the next second grand projects left to me by a failed merger of minds. I'm now free to move automated about my domain and not should I choose. Now and then I find best connections I kept and keep for pleasureful sharing of words with similar motives. Living today with birds, dogs, but don't particularly like cats, but what is perfect? I'm not. Smiles on my appearance to a mind meld again with a great spirited honorable other that sends me flying higher than any yesterday drugs. (Yes, I!) Never alone, no more demons chains for me. I love love good quotes and give credits to the deserving works. Just shared to much of me but WTF else can I poke a finger to send you thinking of whom am I. No photo now as I'm shy, NOT and Yet maybe IDK in the future. Help me out I know not what to do next I'm lost in this space of what I need to do. Hello I am sheand8. Share and share your thoughts with me.



Nice, thanks.

Good Start.
People don't want to accidently give money to a robot. So, providing proof otherwise will help us all feel more comfortable.