
hmmmm lots of cool things come to my little mind!!! :D Looking forward to this!! [Bug]

hmmmm lots of cool things come to my little mind!!! :D Looking forward to this!! [Bug]

May I suggest a giant isopod? they're supercute. I love isopods, I had a pet isopod (no joke). Some isopods control big fish, just a tiny little thing and they´re like aliens driving a spaceship hahaha XD

I wonder how they learned to control other fish? That's amazing! They look like little custodians or something for PlankTown! Very alien looking for real! Is it possibly controlling you now trying to promote itself? I don't know!! It's so confusing!

I had one isopod as pet but it was terrestrial, she lived 3 years, her name was Kokeneli. Lol isopods are little aliens haha 😄