Hey Steemers,
Tiny Garden UpdateYesterday I discovered lovely @m31 has been gardening for the past 3 years and the progress was amazing :D I love seeing people who learn by doing :D In case you want to see what I am talking about, here is her latest post on herb gardening:
And she is also using a new hashtag, which I will be using for my garden posts now on :)
As I did not plant any seeds this year, I will be showing you some of my baby roomates, who grew greatly these last months!
This is my very dense cactus called Rebutia Helios. I received this baby as a gift from my mother's friend. Since last weeks, it has bloomed continually making me observe it every morning while I drink my first coffee. Everyday I see a new baby flower growing, and that puts a bid smile on my face.
And here is another one of my babies. The Iresine plant- part of Amaranth Family, grows in the American tropics and was brought in my home by my lovely boyfriend <3
During the afternoons, when the sun sets to sail away from our city, my Iresine becomes red once it is touched by the rays of the life - giving sun! It is indeed an amazing micro- view of my kitchen.
And the last baby for you to see, is my Setretacea Plant. To make it easier for you: The Purple Heart Plant!
It loves life so much, that it invades you environment. We are still at the start of our relationship as you can see. Keeping her in a jar to develop some strong roots :D
And that was it for this post! More of planting will come as we are in Spring, so everything is just blooming!
Until next time,
Steem ON and spread love!
I am sure it will grow to be big and beautiful too !
thanks! I love your art and time to time I check your profile to see what is going on :) I would like to buy some of your art in the future if it is for selling! Let me know ❤ Hugs to the dogs!