The Traditional Method of Paddys Planting is Still Preserved in My Area [Bilingual Post]

in #planting7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian fellow..


The planting season has arrived

Farmers in my area on this occasion are looking very busy, they are working on rice planting in this planting season, but farmers in my area are still left behind in terms of technology, although in some countries around the world such as Thailand and Vietnam which notabenenya Rice-producing countries have made progress in the various field of agriculture.

Petani di daerah saya pada kesempatan ini sedang terlihat sibuk sekali, mereka sedang mengerjakan tanam padi dimusim tanam kali ini, namun petani di daerah saya masih tertinggal dari segi tekhnologi meskipun dibeberapa negara didunia seperti Thailand dan Vietnam yang notabenenya Negeri penghasil beras sudah melakukan berbagai kemajuan di bidang pertaniannya.

Aceh has a rice field area of approximately 307,234 Ha (Central Bureau of Statistics of Aceh Province) in 2017 and this represents almost all of the rice fields in Aceh province. With the existing rice fields are certainly should be farmers in Aceh equipped with modern planting tools.

Aceh memiliki luas sawah sekitar 307.234 Ha (Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Aceh) pada tahun 2017 dan ini merupakan hampir dari seluruh sawah yang ada di provinsi Aceh. Dengan luas sawah yang ada sudah tentu seharusnya petani di Aceh dilengkapi alat tanam modern.


The pros and cons must be present in the community when the technology presents the role of traditional cultivation that is the livelihood of the majority of farmers, when they technology no longer has a job during the planting season and the harvest arrives.

Pro dan kontra pasti hadir ditengah masyarakat ketika tekhnologi hadir menggangtikan peranan cara tanam tradisional yang merupakan sumber mata pencaharian mayoritas masyarakat petani, ketika tekhnology mereka tidak lagi memiliki pekerjaan dimasa musim tanam dan panen tiba.

This is already and is happening, now when the harvest season arrives, farmers in Aceh already use modern cutting cars in some areas, but some still retain traditional ways of sustaining the work of the farmers when the harvest season arrives. Although in terms of time and energy use cutting machine technology more efficient.

Hal ini sudah dan sedang terjadi, kini ketika musim panen tiba petani di Aceh sudah menggunakan mobil pemotong padi modern dibeberapa wilayah, namun ada juga yang masih mempertahankan cara tradisional untuk keberlangsungan pekerjaan para masyarakat petani bila musim panen tiba. Meskipun dari segi waktu dan tenaga menggunakan mesin pemotong bertekhnology lebih efisien.


Modern Paddys cutting machine


Panen-Padi-Aceh-smatra (1).jpg

Traditional cutting method


For planting rice in the growing season, farmers still rely heavily on human labor (traditionally), this simultaneous planting becomes a job for farmers during the planting season, the reason they still make the traditional way as a method of planting due to local wisdom for farmers to get a job in the growing season, when using technology later the farmers no longer have jobs to be their income in the planting season.

Untuk penanaman padi di musim tanam petani masih sangat mengandalkan tenaga manusia (secara tradisional), penanaman yang dilakukan secara bersamaan ini menjadi pekerjaan bagi petani dimasa musim tanam tiba, alasan mereka masih menjadikan cara tradisional sebagai metode tanam dikarenakan kearifan lokal untuk para petani agar mendapatkan pekerjaan di musim tanam, kalau menggunakan tekhnology nanti para petani tidak lagi memiliki perkerjaan untuk menjadi pemasukan mereka dimusim tanam.

Traditional Paddys planting activities






Wages to plant rice is still small, but this is their livelihood per day they are at wages at a price of IDR. 50,000 - 60,000, - although small they make it savings for day in the fields of the growing season. Therefore, the consideration of the technology of modern rice planting can not be implemented in my area.

Upah menanam padi masih terbilang kecil, namun inilah mata pencaharian mereka perhari mereka di upah dengan harga Rp. 50.000 - 60.000,- meskipun terbilang kecil mereka menjadikannya tabungan untuk berhari hari berada di sawah pada musim tanam. Oleh karena pertimbangan hal tersebut maka tekhnology untuk menaman padi secara modern belum bisa dilaksanakan di daerah saya.

So far, farmers have complained about rice cutting techniques that have entered some areas, they have lost much of their work during the harvest season, and this only benefits those who have modern cutting machines, whereas farmers have no income during the harvest season. Before the technology came in the farmers were still very prosperous when the harvest season arrived, they had jobs cut rice, threshed grain, and transported it on the shoulders of the rice fields to the edge of the road traditionally, but now the work has been done by modern cutting machines.

Selama ini masyarakat petani mengeluhkan tekhnology pemotongan padi yang telah masuk kebeberapa daerah, mereka banyak kehilangan pekerjaan dimasa musim panen tiba, dan ini hanya menguntungkan pihak yang memiliki mesin pemotong padi secara modern, sedangkan para petani tidak memiliki pemasukan dimasa musim panen tiba. Sebelum tekhnology masuk para petani masih sangat makmur kehidupannya ketika musim panen tiba, mereka memiliki pekerjaan untuk memotong padi, merontokkan gabah, dan mengangkutnya di pundak dari areal persawahan ke tepi jalan secara tradisional, namun kini pekerjaan itu telah dilakukan oleh mesin pemotong modern.

It is because of that experience the people in my region still maintain the traditional method of planting rice in order to sustain the welfare of the farmers evenly when the planting season arrives, even if the wages received are small.

Oleh karena pengalaman itulah masyarakat di daerah saya masih mempertahankan metode tradisional untuk menanam padi agar keberlangsungan kesejahteraan petani merata ketika musim tanam tiba, meskipun upah yang diterima tidak seberapa.

Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia


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Thank you @geke feel Free to used it, I'm glad to see My own work resteem by ocd. Followed you and @ocd Now, Greeting from Aceh sumatra Indonesia :)

Thanks for sharing your traditional ways with us! As a farmer I find it very interesting.

My pleasure :)
However the farmer of My are still do plant with the traditional Way, eventhough technology will come in next harvest time, caused these was their economy foundation in the season of planting, Thank you for stopping by and have fun greeting from Aceh sumatra Indonesia :)

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

Sangat bagus kawan

Terima kasih kawan

The modern harvesting machine has replace the work of farmer, that was disadvantage for field of work to the farmer.

Yes, it is unfortunate when the technology entered, even farmers do not have his job again in the harvest season, and more crazy again the price of grain down because of the quality of rice produced by modern cutting machine is not as good as formerly

You should post the phenomena of harvesting machine next post bro

Yup, I think in the harvest season coming, we would like to do the interview with our farmer here :)

Nujak ladju kunow, poh 11 Burangkat

Mantab om..

Siap bro.. Apakabar Banyuwangi :D

Alhamdulilah sehat wal'afiat om..😊

Ikutan Meet up Nasional bang? Saya ada keluarga di Banyuwangi mau ikutan cuma mereka ga tau promotor nya disana, kalau ada ikutan Meet up Nasional bisa kita bicarakan mas, dan bisa jadi Meet up Perdana buat Banyuwangi mas..

Meetup itu pastinya kapan ya bang? Di banyuwangi mana sodaranya? Insya allah saya bisa kunjungi.

Bisa saya tanyakan dulu ini sama teteh saya mas, soalnya uda lupa :D

Good looking

Thank you for stopping by and have fun :)

You're back

Back lake lake vote :D

Just smile

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