Nature Creeping In

in #plantlife3 years ago


Fun fact: I don’t really like butterflies, they are bugs and they can bite.

I like plants and have acquired quite the jungle in my home, but I am soooo lazy and don’t care to have a green thumb. I just buy plants, water them and hope for the best. They better just habituate to my environment or die.

I have a sad little monstera plant that I’ve had for years and while it keeps growing new leaves slowly, it’s clearly struggling. One day the internet showed me a quick tip of dipping one or several of the monsteras air roots in water to help it be more healthy. Easy and doesn’t hurt to try. Lo and behold, only after about a week, my monstera has two new shoots pushing out and one new air root, that’s effing impressive! I might even try and start to take care of the sorry thing and try to save it from bugs and shit.




Who else loves plants but is lazy on their care?


We have pensioners come to live in our region because of our weather. They are often too old to maintain gardens, so they choose to have rock gardens. Except for trees, you won’t see a single plant on their properties.

Unless there is water elements, rock gardens are sad. I neeeed green plants in my life, especially in the dead of winter when the nature outside is under the snow.

I use the Planta app, which develops a watering schedule based on several factors such as weather and location. It's Swedish made, if you're concerned about security.

Hmm, does it work for you? I believe the conditions in every home are so different that it’s much better tp check for yourself if your plants need water.

It works wonderful. I have 30 plants of different varieties, so they all need water at different times. You can add different locations in the app (living room, bedroom, balcony, etc) and then you add the plants. Every day the app notifies me which plants need watering. I still need to check as you mentioned, but it has been very useful. I also have some self-watering pots with little windows, so I don't use the app for those.

Succulents and air plants are the way to go.!!! Plants that you can forget about for a month, then you notice that they are shades of brown, so you load them up with water and they recover ... Rinse and repeat.

Your nails look sharp enough that you cut use them as shears for your plants. If you file them down a little more you might have to register them as weapons!!! 🧐

Those plants are sooooo cute but we never get along! :( I keep trying but they always die soooo fast on me. Like dude, I managed to kill a Jericho rose!

The trick with them is to NOT water them until they look sick. Then drench them and forget about them for a couple of months.

Watering too much was my problem too with almost every plant but especially with succulents. But the problem in Finland is also the light. Not getting enough light when the winter comes. Natural light isn't enough, you need to have plant lights also or forget the watering almost altogether. Or both.

Aika laiska olen ollut elämässäni suurimman osan aikaa kasvien hoidon suhteen ja pitkän aikaa olin täysin ilman kasveja koska aina joko hoidin niitä liikaa tai liian vähän. Mut sit tuli korona-aika, mulla naksahti jotain päässä ja koti on nykyisin viidakko. Pakotin itseni huoltamaan kasveja kerran viikossa, aina samana päivänä ja varmastikin sen ansiosta suurin osa parin viime vuoden aikana ostamistani kasveista on säilynyt elossa.

Tosin vieläkin välillä sorrun siihen että kastelen liikaa joitain kasveja. Altakasteluruukut itseasiassa on varmaan pelastus suurimmalle osalle mun kasveista. Ei tuu kasteltua liikaa kun näkee tarkan määrän mittarista. Ja ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni olen saanut myös muratin menestymään koska se aina tuppasi kuivumaan. Altakasteluruukku oli siihenkin vastaus.

Just karsin oikein raskaalla kädellä mun peikonlehteä ja katkoin kaikki ilmajuuretkin siltä kun se rehotti niin perhanasti. Muuten ois voinut kokeilla tota niksiä, mulla on jopa samanlaisia patenttipullojakin! :D (kellä ei ois...) Mutta pitänee muistaa sitten kun se taas tuosta viidakkoveitsioperaatiosta toipuu.

Kiva että sun peikonlehti innostu kasvamaan!

Wait, butterflies bite?

I love plants! But I need plants which can survive for a long time and doesn't require a lot of care. I simply forget it :c

I only have easy plants, or plants that just about can handle me. I do remember to water but that’s about it. Funnily; cacti never survive long with me!