Did I discover a new aquatic plant species?

in #plants8 years ago (edited)

Please help me solve this mysteryroot.jpg
Today while on a Kayak adventure to the Grass River Natural Area in Antrim County, Michigan, I came across this very interesting plant. It appears to be either a root or tuber. This was the only one of its kind that we observed. It was approximately 24 inches long, 2-4 inches in diameter, with a slightly spongy feel to it. It is unknown to me. I have searched images, and using many descriptors, such as freshwater aquatic plants, bog plants, swamp plants, aquatic tubers etc. Image searches came up with best guess being a snake then it showed pictures of alligators. I got a good chuckle out of that. So If anyone is a biologist or knows what species this is I would love to hear. Until then I am going to assume that I have discovered a new plant species.


i did a reverse search on google by your picture, and what it came to be was an actual snake, the root looks so close to a snake that google saw it as such. i google it with many similar titles and nothing close came up. you may be looking into something completely new, who knows it may be a discovery. keep us update it on what happens.

Thanks for trying. It is a mystery for sure. Sent to a few botanists, will see what they come up with. I will keep you posted!

Not a new species darn, it is the root of a lily pad.

That's so weird I have no idea what that is

Yep me either, and I am pretty adept in my flora and fauna. Will let you know what we discover.

It's the root of a lily pad

Wow, still pretty cool to see

How interesting! I have no idea what it is, though! Nice to follow a fellow kayaker, though!

nuphar lutea rhizome. check this out, and see if its close.