For a planet with more trees/ Por un planeta con más árboles[ENG/ESP]

in #plants9 months ago
Authored by @Eliezerdiaz21


Hello friends, today I will talk about why we should plant more trees and help improve the planet, lately we have gone through several factors where the earth has suffered a lot, and few people are worried.

The idea is to plant many trees and try not to pollute so much, they don't know the damage we are causing, every little thing that is done to improve is taken into account and helps.

These high temperatures that we have had lately are not normal, we are paying the consequences of our actions and I hope this does not continue as it would be regrettable.

Hola amigos, hoy hablaré sobre el porque debemos sembrar mas árboles y ayudar a mejorar el planeta, últimamente hemos pasado por varios factores en donde la tierra ha sufrido mucho, y son pocas las personas que están preocupadas.

La idea es plantar muchos árboles y tratar de no contaminar tanto, no saben el daño que estamos provocando, cada cosa minima que se haga por mejorar se toma en cuenta y ayuda.

Estas temperaturas altas que hemos tenido últimamente no es normal, estamos pagando las consecuencias de nuestros actos y espero esto no siga asi ya que seria lamentable.


In my home I try ways to have many trees and small plants, these help in a small percentage but it still helps and it is the idea that if we all do our bit, as they say colloquially, it would be good.

I keep them green and in good condition, and if our climate is warm we should look for trees that adapt to the place.

The trees that adapt perfectly are neem, palms, jobo, oak among other important ones, so we must get to work.

En mi hogar trato las maneras por tener muchos árboles y pequeñas plantas, estas ayudan en un pequeño porcentaje pero igual ayuda y es la idea, que si todos colocaramos un granito de arena como se dice coloquialmente seria bien.

Las mantengo verdes y en buen estado, y si nuestro clima es calido debemos buscar los árboles que se adapten al lugar.

Los árboles que se adaptan perfectamente son el neem, palmas, jobo, roble entre otros importantes, así que debemos poner manos a la obra.


I love watching animals enjoying a good shade, including iguanas, parrots, parakeets and pipas that make their small nests.

If we all joined together to plant more trees the world would be different, unfortunately this has already gotten out of control and the planet is having problems.

These photographs were taken from a Samsung A32 phone.

I hope you like the post, greetings and blessings.

Me encanta observar los animales disfrutando de una buena sombra, entre ellos las iguanas, loros, pericos y pipas que hacen sus pequeños nidos.

Si todos nos unieramos a sembrar mas árboles el mundo seria otro, lamentablemente ya esto se salio de control y el planeta esta teniendo problemas.

Estas fotografias fueron tomadas de un telefono samsung A32.

Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos y bendiciones.


Yeehaw! This here post is like a refreshing breeze on a hot day. Keep plantin' them trees and spreadin' that good energy, partner! Your dedication to Mother Nature is as mighty as a stallion's gallop. Keep up the great work, and may your efforts inspire others to follow suit.

That's right, if we all did a little work and planted a tree, everything would be different, I will always be working to improve the planet, greetings.