“WORLD on Plastic Ban”
Estimation by INDIAN experts : in upcoming 2030, plastic waste will increase to 165 million tons. More than 66,000 hectors of land will be needed to dump plastic waste for next 20years! This will cost us very hard such that our dumping will cost us to burry in our Own Monk.
What indian PM learnd from other country tours all over the world.?
- It takes around 500 - 1000 years to degrade Plastic.
- Yearly 56 lakhs tones of plastic waste are generated by India.
- Contribution of india in Dumping plastic waste in world’s ocean is around roughly 60%.
How countries dealing with Plastic waste all around the world :
France :
In early ‘2016’ Plastic ban law was passed in france. The law follows each & every shopping bags BAN. This law will act to cut down plastic waste in country for like half in upcoming 2025.
Rwanda :
Like any other developing country, this country also affected by plastic waste. Since 2008 the law of Plastic ban is implemented in this developing country & now it’s totally plastic free in Africa!
Also a jail time prison is implemented to plastic users as per the law, which makes the plastic-waste-law implementation strictly in this country.
Sweden & Ireland :
Sweden with policy of “No Plastic Ban, Instead of More recycling of Plastic”.
The reason behind this law is because world’s best recycling strategy & the Best recycling country.
In Ireland tax over plastic bag is harsh! Hence indirectly to be indirectly banning plastic waste/ plastic selling all over it’s country! Now plastic bags are almost not acceptable there.
China :
In 2008 the plastic ban was strictly banned in largest population country in the world : China.
Implementation of this law resulted in 50% cutoff of plastic usage all over China. It means that Over 100 billion plastic bags are kept away from land.
These countries definitely shows that a simple policy piece able to achieve big results.
- Let’s see what happens in INDIA if serious implementation of law towards plastic waste policies can affect country or not!
Do you have such suggestions for reducing waste levels in any particular field.?? Tell me in comments (:
(( Source: https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/swachhindia.ndtv.com/plastic-ban-india-can-learn-countries-6161/amp/ ))
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Our goverment is doing there bit, still a long way to go
Maharastra goverment has banned the use of plastic bag and container completly from the last 2 months, with a hefty fine of 25000.
Thanks for the infromative post. We have to also contribute in this.
itndian government is working hard in this feild bro...'The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016' and many legislations like this are present...
the problem lies in the implementation of laws and schemes for public welfare and 'the corruption' which is a big question mark before the people of India.........
the administrative machinery of our country is struggling and it is very hard for the decent and geniuine people to work here....
sorry for the long comment bro...
People are smarter than goverment. We must think of preserving our land. Only our PM won’t do anything without our help.
“Vote for the best LEADER all over.”
there will be one day that people has to eat in plants dish there will be no plactic and there will also be a day where people will die due to this threat
Plastic is a sin”
any alternative for plastic which is better than plastic ??
Gujrat Maharashtra many state now stick action on plastic i think and wish 100%plastic less our country
@yashshah991 this is great system .all goverment shoud apply this.
Its Strictly ban in Maharashtra
@yashshah991 Recently Plastic Ban In Maharashtra State, India. it's a good initiative by a government!!!
Absolutely beacuse of plastic waste our marine ecosystem is getting endangered.
I was always against them.. ban them forever
@yashshah991 I think you are a engineer
100% True
You are right
Government can only make the rules but we are the ones who have to take the responsibility fpor not using plastics
in Delhi consumer even asks for polybag for carrying lays!!
MH gov banned plastic
Ban plastic and people who use the plastic bags.hahahah
i have seen somewhere a machine what when you put plastic bottle in the machine it release food for stray dogs.
@yashshah991 totally agree with you friend
Using platic is not good.. indian government working on it very hard.. but even people should also stop using them for environment or for their safety
Maharashtra GOvernment has banned plastic, Plastic is really threat not only to human but also to marine fish and animals.
Need some solutions to eradicate this plastic
Your post title is very very good@yashshah991
Switch to non-woven products... This is my web page Classic Packs&Bags We have great market in India and we also export in many countries...
i m in favour of plastic ban
Things where we have to take some serious action against, great post buddy keep it up.
Government must have applied this bcz it is really great system
India should also properly ban plastics
This is really great..!!! " in upcoming 2030, plastic waste will increase to 165 million tons." Never expected that
We shuold take actions
Dont use plastics
really man, something must be done !
We should a way to recycle plastic in a proper way...We irresponsible humans who have made it into a problem
Plastic is change our life.
I’m agree with you we should Stop Using plastic..!!
Vat to 100% sachi che