It's that time of the month again as PlatON publishes it's monthly report and I must say February was actually more productive than I actually anticipated.
Much were said and much is still going on from network upgrades to online based giveaways, the list goes on but what truly captured my attention has to do with Top wallet update.
If you have read some of my writeups relating to PlatON monthly report you should have come across top wallet once or multiple times and it seems the devs don't plan on stopping improvement anytime soon.
On previous writeup we talked about some of the updates relating to Top wallet and how it is becoming more security wise and user friendly as each day passes. Much were said relating to every information shared by the team via monthly report and the recent update takes it all. Introducing Top wallet version 1.4, while still in its testing phase, the team assured us that it will be released to the public sometime in March. You might ask, so what's the big deal all about? The recent writeup talks about version 1.4 having better and improve security features and MPC key shading.
For those not familiar with what the concept entails, MPC key sharding is a process where a single private key is sharded or divided into multiple forms with various devices having control of certain parts and users would have to bring various components in other to process transaction.
The interesting aspect is that users don't need to be in the same location for such transaction to be initiated or completed as this can be carried out from various geolocation. It further helps as a secondary security against hacks, should in case one or more component gets compromised, the hacker would need majority of the key to actually process any transaction which inturn helps safeguard assets till the situation is sorted.
MPC key sharding can be used by both individuals and companies meaning everyone irrespective of their location can make use of this security feature.
The monthly writeup further goes on with the various implementations and upgrade surrounding Top wallet 1.4.
You can read it's entirety via PlatON medium page alongside the various happening that took place in February
If you have one or more question, don't forget to drop a comment or two behind. Till some other time, do have a productive week.