Hi all,
One of my best ever card of the new Chaos Legion set is picked for the weekly battle! I love how his upset glance!🤣

Element: EARTH
Rarity: COMMON
Attack: MAGIC
Ability: TANK HEAL

Review my battle at @magicodoz battle
Mana Cap: 15

First thing first i checked the rule set of the battle. Earthquake and Stampede. Flying monsters are the keys for this match because does not suffer of earthquake damage. I think Stampede at low mana cap battle is not that great so i did not considered it for my lineup.
I choose Obsidian, earth summoner that give me +1 magic damage to all my monsters. First position Regal Peryton, a high speed monsters with flying ability that help me to dodge melee enemy attack and earthquake damage. Then i pick the star of the weekly battle, Goblin Psychic with tank heal ability to heal my first monster. I choose him because healing ability is really strong and could give me another for my first position monster.
The opponent pick Dragon summoner with Death element, Drake of Arnak, that give +1 armor to all the monsters. I think his strategy was to shield their monsters at the first round of earthquake. His first monster is Cursed Windeku, high life monster with thorn ability, second monster is Life Sapper with leech ability and the last monster is Undead Badger with sneak attack ability. I think the enemy choose monsters that were not great for this rule set because their life points were too low and the focus of the damage is split to different target.
I won the battle, thanks to the high lvl of my monsters compared to the enemy monsters lvl, but also thanks for the bad pick of my opponent. I dodge attack and completely countered the thorn ability of his tank and then i heal my first position monster that finished the job.

Probably i will lose the match against Thaddius Brood and Bone Golem as a tank so i took a risk .

I like play magic damage. The earth deck is really strong thanks to the new Chaos Legion cards. It is difficult play it at low league because magic cards have a high mana cost and it easy to counter it. i Like Goblin Psychic because the heal tank ability is so powerful and it could be use in different situation! The best way to get advantage of this card is trying to protect him with tank ability monsters that force enemy attack and prevent snipe or opportunity monster to kill him. In this way you can unlock the power of Goblin Psychic and use their high magic damage against enemy monsters!
Hope you enjoy my post!

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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd