My First Game after my Hiatus

in #play2earn3 years ago

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Although, I said hiatus, I didn't really played a lot before. I was encouraged by a friend to try the game and since it's only for $10 and learned I could earn on it, I said, "Sure." After a few times, the game really didn't hit on me. The cards seemed to straightforward and even though I like playing with fire (get it?), the fire ones don't have that much firepower. They're more like a cinder rather than "fire". Then just recently, I heard that the game released new cards on their update called "Chaos Legion" so I decided it to try another time. That friend also introduced me to blogging and said I could earn more than just playing the game, so here I am. I would also like to apologize for the future for wrong grammar, vocabulary, etc. because English is not my first language.

In any case, here's what happened to the first game I had in a long time and I decided to highlight the main guy that made me love fire cards in the first place.


Not all lava is alive; most of the time, it responds to gravity as expected. But the stuff that comes from the very core of the Molten Mountains... There's just something special about it.

Rental Cost

rent.jpg Photo taken from Splinterlands Website.

Living Lava's rentals are one of the lowest in the game around 0.10 DEC per day. That means you can just rent him indefinitely and reap the benefit of the insane card. But why rent it when you can play it for free? Yes, you can currently play it for free and this is one of the things I love in this game. You can have free cards you can use and not required to 100% buy all the things you need to play unlike other NFT games.

Buy Cost

buy.jpg Photo taken from Splinterlands Website.

One absolutely weird thing that confuses me is how such a very strong card have very low buy/sell cost. I still don't have the answer as of this time but one thing I can assure is that Living Lava is the best tank in the game even with the release of the Chaos Legion cards.

Card Variations

Photo taken from Not4Work's account in
Living Lava came from Untamed Edition which can only be bought now through third party means or through the marketplace as a single card. This card have two foils, the regular one and the gold one. Regular foil does not provide any bonuses but is cheaper to purchase and rent. The gold on provides an extra 10% DEC every time you win any battles. Gold foil also provides a lot of collection power compared to the regular counterpart making it a good buy if you need collection power to increase your league in the game.

Card Stats and Abilities

stats.jpg Photo taken from Splinterlands Wiki.

Living Lava has one of the highest overall stats in the game for a main tank. Normally, a tank, or the one who blocks the most damage has high health or armor but little to no damage. Living Lava is different as it has high damage and health. This allows him to not only tank games but be a menace as well once you broke the opponent's main line.

Shield || Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks.
There's two abilities in this game that gives tanks the much needed survivability, Void and Shield. Void reduces any magic damage taken while Shield reduces all melee and range damage. This reduces 2 of 3 damage types which makes it more powerful as it covers more damage type making Living Lava one of the best tanks in the game.

Rust || Reduces the Armor of all enemy Monsters.
Rust is a good bonus and fits the character. It dissolves 2 armor the opponent has as if Living Lava strike 2 damage on all opponent's monsters with armor at the very start of the game. This reduces your opponent's survivability which makes your chance of winning higher.

Thorns || When hit with a Melee attack, does damage, with an upper cap of 2, back to the attacker.
You blocked your opponent's attack then reduced their armor exposing their flesh skin. Now what? Any monster who attacks a Living Lava doesn't go unscathed and those who dare to attack close takes 2 damage for each of their melee attacks. Concept-wise, the effect makes sense as thorns inflict 2 damage to all melee monsters who attack Living Lava as they expose theirselves while attacking.

Abilities taken from Splinterlands Wiki.


Below is a preview of the battle for this post.

You can view the full battle here

Team Placement

positioning.jpg Photo taken from Not4Work's account in
  1. Living Lava is the main tank in this game providing both protection and damage for the team. An essential component for the fire team.
  2. Serpentine Spy is a very amazing card for its Opportunity ability. The low health sucks but the high speed allows you Serpentine Spy to attack first before he dies from a stray attack.
  3. Radiated Scorcher is only there due to him being a 1 mana cost card. I think that's called a filler card in other card games like Yugioh. You don't like it, but it's there just to fill the slot.
  4. Summoner: Tarsa is my main go to summoner as it provides both increased melee damage and increased health, both stats that are the most required in the game.

Round 1

Round 1 End.jpg Photo taken from my Not4Work's account in My opponent decided to use Fungus Fiend first, a 0 mana cost card, to block my first attack. His death was imminent and now makes the appearance of Unicorn Mustang.

Round 2

Round 2 End.jpg Photo taken from my Not4Work's account in With one strike from Serpentine Spy, Goblin Thief dies making this a solo endeavor for Unicorn Mustang.

Round 3

Round 3 End.jpg Photo taken from my Not4Work's account in No deaths in this round but Unicorn Mustang goes to 2 health. Any attack from any member of my team can take him down but his high speed may prove it to be difficult. Living Lava goes to 3 health. Shield halves all the damage he got from this game allowing him to survive for longer than he was supposed to.

Round 4

Round 4 End.jpg Photo taken from my Not4Work's account in I won on the 3rd turn of the 4th round with Living Lava on 1 health. The shield's damage reduction while providing high damage is the main attraction of Living Lava. It would be just to have my most favorite card to signal my return on the game.


This post was made as entry for Splinterland's Contest that you can find here.

Battle was recorded using OBS, then converted and edited to GIF via GIF Maker by

Cover Background by Toby Elliott on Unsplash

I made the dividers on this post was made using Photoshop and have the rights for these self made dividers.