Far Horizons Steem - Start of Turn 6 -- For Game 1538194773

Far Horizons Steem

(Image courtesy of NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the Day")

Start of Turn 6


@sneakyninja @muksihs @pupmisfit @mastergerund

Attention Players

Visit: [Far-Horizons-Steem-Client] to view your reports for this turn and to submit your commands.

You must submit your orders by:

Oct 11, 2018 9:00:00 PM EST5EDT
Oct 12, 2018 1:00:00 AM UTC

The next turn will commence shortly after all players have submitted their orders or after the submit orders deadline has passed.

The game manual is here: [PDF GAME RULES]. The game star maps for this game are below and are clickable.

Reminder: To be in the participation reward pool, you must both up vote this post and submit your game orders before the deadline. The participation pool is calculated on a per turn basis after each payout is received. No votes means no payouts means no rewards!

Want to join in to play and earn rewards?

Reply to this post asking the gamemaster to start a new game. Players can only join at the start of a new game.


Weekends are pretty busy for me; definitely expect them to go like this most of the time, where I am way more likely to take a turn on a weekday. :D

That's not an issue, @pupmisfit and myself usually end up skipping at least one day of not both on the weekends. Doing other things...

ᥠ呀䂴․ذ㲡㈢তŠ෭4ǐࢀᣠ⧔∧堫〨恠ឈᐤ瀤抓ƽ倡㄄䁚㨠儠㤠ᆔ瓁ႀ灦ࠫ✼Ꮆ⁊䆚⣐䓣倢ᠠ姀ŐQ䰣㍠څ怣Ꭳ恹䪩Ḳਠ盻㰗೭ᛆᬠ⭃姵怩〢竚壑㢤劈#妤䣎敭㯰żᥬ㘮㜿͈≁኱䥣†匊䐼あ㼸䙠˓敲劫汼庞ս㯗崮ạ`ශ䢙㱚✡Àͨ㇐᣺䰡᳸焲ॏ㠧ኰ۴ѻⷁ映嶔ӣ爂㶦'ᦱ೷帴—㐣ტ㉼⅕屦奰兮׫椰⺏Հ̒ആ»㋐Ä⤸䥆䧠嫜伧৴堨$䯡≤岌ቱ弨⢭ȅ幈庭怣Ლᝄ怠曰㹹䜓⁨禪ₙ〨䓒⪷╒泎⪷値兄但䐱=Ⅵ䉨弣涠㦠㖐徖㲲ɗ䉤玸G娯宒㫮ಮ卓ⴈ!⇡䇐ⶠӂீ〈伉絼⡴⯱ဠ䝜䩀ǘࢾ㱌䉦䰶▾䈒㣞䧜㛡婉㩢䖁牤㴪ሑ穅⃰圄墉™沂㗺惝檕䰕䆲惘<栠౧用笑䰠䵤硔䊫楂ٰ峮㇍懴嫿ஐ珕卝ʑ⤽㖠൹㶠ᶣ櫀ࠠޠ㸖䄐⢤ὥ穊Րౄ䆀$娪ଗᘣ㴡hᏊ熁᦮र⥀ʠ䤢ʘ㐬㷠堥Π猪ͬ㐨䀼㈳Ͱ尾䎰␸ɰ娽 㢠Ͳ扵᜵䣘ḥªሠ䃄岫x㽖⒄ᕀ值入㣬Ṕ♵䂃ᒢᑰ㲀ང晲᝗ೠࢧ᪳᪅䴓ᆆⳬ؇⡀Ḧ䃠ᘣ´嬶咘䘥ì…䬨ᚣ䟔᷾䀩:晠增䩱٪䎩

I botched my orders by missing some important commas. Need to sleep on it and regroup.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry to hear that. Syntax bites me every game even when I think I have it right

So far I've done that several times each game.

And god forbid you end up naming a sequence of ships/bases the same as a previous set from the game engine's point of view...

ᥠ呀䂴․ذ㲡㈢তŠ෭4ǐࢀᣠ⧔∧堫〨恠ឈᐤ瀤抓ƽ倡㄄䁚㨠儠㤠ᆔ瓁ႀ灦ࠫ✼Ꮆ⁊䆚⣐䓣倢ᠢ夬“•〠㈽怣ᚨ䁹妡‹ूỻ㰗඼壸⸍์ੂ┯佰怬怨宸ౢ²ᜲḩ-恠ϗ入粌ۡ̈́䀫фa䯨˚㠫١ળቮǤط䣄㐢㠢Œ桁筼ʠĎᤇ偰狑㢤劈㤓ұ⻮ẗ勶嚸氼湞⫰崤ĦԶ!䖤უ㢕㐹楎惣恂叠狶䘠ᨰ堧ဢⵘᦼ暐巎寝欤㶾桋潧㵞濂䁗給䁨ᘭᷮ䮭枖Ӡ㡤̓㱞⾯憨㣑傌殬䈩䭔౪㵩ҙካⷱᝯ̑⢁ᴦ⑩㉲ᅭ⌞庖Ὠ䐑梐⩋㏥撅ᚮ剹㹮Ầ╎瀽䄄揕穴䉀䣄ᤴഠÅ橤ܬϭ碂ಠź橴㣯㞁㣜㼤燖㷾琴ᥴ㤲唿灐⫅▬団䑄ऻ渢㙫; ᧬歔րƕ桐據⶧塐.㍁䬟๢䀣巀ف䫵曌翘倒偡矗嘅撶Oს〨̡䀪❡;榞౥嗈䆺ᨸౣַ呯Ꮙ窌䋭扙於摏அ稚Ï⯰౮岏ᮬư緮䲽瞗塃簏๸㺠ČĪ慸槶㢦メ㪒畢捦壨倬淥᭠㓵歠⳨傴⒴硾珪禰寺϶⛥堸瑐惎栫孠ỳ䈖爻笞庠⁸⌤ܦ秽䩎䥭㐁抰搔̡܎ᑍߦ栤憁汔嬁䬮礱䟹冩㟪䒞⿰㦰ᇠӤଵ䗮ዢ٦當孠壤抸䅉؎呟䞸↢♩狥䭾桀䟾᛺本╚䛱ǧ築憠⊸恆㧑㵃䙡⥳⦠㰻ૌ稾䂰永櫪Ჵ՞䬤恸䏨对ዺ➱䉁竤瓒搁砼䖙修䗉栤㢱♀愉ごᰉ◻䩥棔૥磑ᓲ፥ᐾ拓ᘸ泇ᚦ㳖☵㓙䒵羬埞ᩒ唙忩砨⌻➺䤺⎠歾⏠焽⋠္Ꮰ儾㊦愲䏶Ứ䍠媸௰渥媢ⶩ䀠㎈ීᠴ剙ⱉɹぁ栭Ȁ㈮䇐㸯Ȕௗ監岖䐠⇷桎剡佑傫˜㐖凫惒爲ལᰠਁ≨⯲ₒ✦⇴㷽怠Ԯ̍〬‡ᑕ㗑壔懖㡔⠶穄$㫴⁻ჴ忯礸⁃盬丹侃䓑ㆰᖢ䋐媨䏰⁶ㄚο欌埅䍌䈻牐⣆᠃磚˳䪍》峯稸㮀̰姁ஶ䍐නŜ೐♖㲁ğ䏯䙢㴂墎ɛᲹ䴢㡉䎲塖㠘抓୭⠢ 㳹綍ǂ侏↹䧢倠᫐䏑瀮Ш܃䚑⸧䌑缹昩ᱵĠඥ̳㽲㓩椯奂⅂̨ᄥώ慡䵤翚Ď帗刏⌵⇉孇ȿ⪷౰䙚٠䋾ή䍌፾᯼㩵橎紗篫ᑟ民秜⍆梠⑅Ẑ幍䑡䥚Ǟ砓Ÿ毟①怫緞⑝稀䰈炖జ濣緀#䐫吧翛稠煡㱇▞堰縣ű䠹糷嵣ሽ䎨ᭃ䑦焠Ḫ塄఑䱨絗䶰ᯇፗལ࡭勔㤯ÀࣁဢƲÙ䀨߫਷పԤ䔥⻢浰嫯梮ၡ纩ㆠⵡ䱩ବ怤⃙ู෢姴У怲ૠצ捄ᑱᓂ櫫恅⟽⍔㭦䬢䕈䆪牥Ð唲㇠׃❼挔㥧䋗৸䚨㣓ौି凣櫵ਡ᦬㏦ᱴ䅃⹤灒㚀ᡨ硩⿩௢ᠢ₂之䁳ᑮ㊅⎩だ䦭滉䥄Ų㉄㡓ዒ᙭䰼䮑㑡媶䷔〴Ǹ‣▤ৰ硲投၀硱ౘí⨈Р

Did you change your turn? this looks like a different encryption algorithm.

The backend is supposed to figure out whichever method it needs to do the decompression....

I resubmitted my orders (you can do that at any time before the turn progresses, the bot is set to try and get your latest orders).

I changed the compression char set from utf-16 to base-64 to hopefully decrease the amount of RCs each turn costs a player.

Oh, good idea!

ᥠ呀䂴․ذ㲡㈢তŠ෭4ǐࢀᣠ⧔∧堫〨恠ឈᐤ瀤抓ƽ倡㄄䁚㨠儠㤠ᆔ瓁ႀ灦ࠫ✼Ꮆ⁊䆚⣐䓣倢ᠡ᤬ʒ౹怣ᚬႛ㞞燓େ垍౛汒゜愔9䮣㘴֙ᶝ绰6ࢍ䙂ᐂ瀨˓接⥩束֠ඣ឵䗤ኳ†໬ብ㭙₹你֒啑塙岜⫁ࢤ䩦┭"䯊႑䃥粂ᤠ૱啮ⶏ㆒稙嶣㦥琶稤Ġร嚰Ǵ㰠䮒䀭რ傎䠠玃䑨␫ω琠᭧ᴰ€̋僻ၘ໻む<晡䓎=䊠ϛ‬㉷ၑ⼂ᗪ䕚㡜ġ㉂煐奠؆尤⌽急ᄕ኉ᰠᯩ炑ᵫ i㰴♉㛢┮૥ࣰ⍦൛棼㉓䟃檬Ԡ͖䂺昬ᴥጎᾴ䐪憩浮寋氕΁寏ℹ暋ᇭਂ〾๵抐晉敡ᄡ傔ֆō劚吮慆㋅Ⅵㄺ≝ઐ况ᘲ懷燀奫Ŵႁቃඍ娨箃噠Iᰲџ෥㞈།!䑦2䑁竖〠܀⊼砪䊠媳㜿䠅㤃朠᏾喃㤍嗾䃃₼㥤䆦塊憯怩㍴Ġĕ企栾ऍો瑒ࣲ㚇嶡䐓䀬䔾▗⪾㫩ޥ㠂∺Ꮣ汯䠙纠䁨温碥Ᲊ㻝Ꮁ灈ѱဤ΄:䰢堳ᓃᄅʤ䪪Ề㨭委䜍ւ琺䠳­ᒒ䡎宆d¦⩧娣㳧ഇᒀ嵡Đክ䂀ளࣔ忁䃀ᰨò愼㌚㡜㯰ݠ͹䠬᳒㩡ရ偀

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