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RE: Far Horizons Steem - Start of Turn 3 -- For Game 1538194773

in #playbypost6 years ago
ᥠ呀䂴․ذ㲡㈢তŠ෭4ǐࢀᣠ⧔∧堫〨恠ឈᐤ瀤抓ƽ倡㄄䁚㨠儠㤠ᆔ瓁ႀ灦ࠫ✼Ꮆ⁊䅶⹢勰=䱪ៗ桌潠ᗨ榻ގ㹦䋦❯ʭ*⻑ݐ㜜ㄹ*榅⟵寑㦙糮ॉಧ幾๎喡"☁⋺梈ヅ.浠Ӓ።⴪☔渦㑇Ẽ棡‣᭡ⶹװ~㐠ƪ➷䫦皭䟦Ꮃ⨉礚ᥕẵ䴵怠旁ࢶ‹✩⪤叭怢㉈Ĺࠈ∈㘪砹㯶㣚ྂ̕ش噫ᅝӂ䗲抨㨘栫⋠ᤨ䊩࣠淖州撕ᴮ栠ũ悰彰─“†㭔ʐy倠ᢰ瀢⢤䯖ണ 㜢Ӈ䀸ᐨ埇栠㔕༤埰¾獋෣㍙稥ཷ桨䋋Ϸ疱⨡ 磪紪や᢬㍭⭳᧬ဴ䵉䮅⮕䮃娌ݧ位㫽䫫⬃儤چḉ箝㽨廣ࣸ℆ర⁢僳㘰㭃⤔㟵䜃磂㢰͒啴幮䢅ᨚ୆⥘Ì㺧ᗩ琙㘰復૥两啉䭓Gፗᙊ㌂娧䋣瑵⻷̝形勦≽⢀ᨨ䐱Ჳ䝙㯻るࣨ⩑⋢僀‡暄㷣䧬܍碤䗄䢘㪒疯堃中㚥䶐愁ཡ೼ὺ޴䔑᮶◣惀⊲ ㈠᪸ː֔ᤦ䰺⊮ㆸ९Ⓓ㿩甼₦咦ᠩㅥ␊焲పß-ᘱ繓搣畝ܣᬹڣ兌ன⸰

Already? That was fast!

Yeah... I've got a specific goal at the moment that is using up 100% of resources each turn, so nothing to put to additional turn commands.

Not a whole lot of consideration for what commands to issue until task is complete.

I've been building out some simple spreadsheets tools to simplify my turn management. Going to need to recharge my RC's after taking turns in succession last night and this morning.

No problem. Not meant to be a rushed game. Just not a lot of thinking for me a few turns until goal is met.