Does anybody still know this TRESURE from the 90s?
The PS1
Mine is still working even if its already 23 years old!
Well this is my favorite game console. Its still reminds me back to my childhood always when im playing the good old games. Im pretty sure you guys agree with me.
The 90s...the best time of my life.
This was my first and my favorite game for the PS1
Tomb Raider 3
Lara Croft, the woman with....well the best animated "chest" at that time?
Until today she is my hero. But in that way that always when i see her, she brings me back to my childhood memorys. Like sitting on my bed and watch to that much too small Tv and playing it all day long.
(I only like the Tomb Raider series until the 5th part). Do you agree?
My lovely piece in my Collection
In my opinion its one of the best designed and looking Controllers all time.
I mean...just look at the shape and colour :D It is so 90s....
Let´s talk about that. What do you think about the PS1 and also the 90s?
Back to the 90s - nostalgia.