Revisiting Golem Overlord: A Rewarding Experience, Lessons Learned, and Future Plans
I recently decided to dive back into Golem Overlord, and I’m really enjoying the new features that have been added. The game now includes quests, guilds, and conquest, which have made it a lot more engaging. What I’ve found is that the game offers solid rewards if you're willing to put in the effort. For example, I only spend about 30 minutes a day managing two accounts and earn over 10,000 PART per day. I do this by completing three short claims and one long claim overnight.
Reflecting on My Investment
Recently, I invested around $170 across both accounts. Upon reflection, I realized I didn’t need to spend that much to see a decent return. After spending that amount, my overall earnings haven’t increased significantly. What’s worse, when I do make progress, I often get attacked, which cancels out a lot of the profit. For example, attacking others yields only 50-100 PART per attack, while defending against an attack can cost me 150 PART or more. The net result is often a break-even situation, and my returns are almost identical to what they were before I spent the $170.
If I had instead created a few more accounts, I likely would’ve doubled my daily earnings, making it a much better investment.
Leveraging the Market and Making Profits
One of the more enjoyable aspects of the game is the market, where I've had some luck. For instance, I’ve managed to pull two of the Christmas skins for advisors, which are currently worth about 10 Hive each. I plan to sell one and keep the other. Additionally, I’ve sold some equipment, earning around 12 Hive for the two items I listed.
Another way I’ve been earning is by selling the daily trinket received after completing a Conquest battle. These sell for about 0.6 Hive each. Additionally, I collect Vials of Insight and use it then donate RP to my guild. While these aren’t worth much, I use them for the guild’s benefit, and I believe I can collect up to 35 each week. The reset time for these might vary, but I’m still figuring it out.
Tracking My Progress and Evaluating VIP
Going forward, I plan to track my earnings closely, keeping the profits on my main account to see just how profitable I am over time. This will help me determine whether VIP status is worth the investment. I do see some value in the Discord prompts and the daily airdrop vault available with VIP, but I’m not convinced I need it on both accounts. Having VIP on just one account seems to meet my needs for the Discord messages.
One suggestion I have for the developers is to introduce bonus stats for VIP players based on how many days you have left on VIP status. Since you can purchase up to a year’s worth of VIP at once, this could be a great way to add more value to the VIP system. Capping it at so many years to prevent any kind of abuse.
Current Stats and Game Strategy
Here’s a snapshot of my current stats:

As for upgrades, I will only invest in them when required for a quest. I’m focused on recouping my investment first. One of the challenges I’ve encountered is the high cost of refilling my golems during the short claim, which can drain up to 50% of my earnings. With this in mind, it will take a few months to break even and start “free rolling” the game—earning what I’ve invested and then profiting beyond that.
Why Golem Overlord is Worth Playing
A major advantage of Golem Overlord is that it isn’t a major time sink. I can easily manage my claims on my phone and move on with my day. Attacks and claims take only a couple of minutes, which makes it ideal for players who prefer a game that doesn’t require constant attention. It’s a “no-skill” economy game with interactive elements, making it perfect for anyone looking for a simple yet rewarding gaming experience.
Another reason I’m bullish on Golem Overlord is its potential growth. As Hive gains more traction and its price rises, the game will likely attract more players. This influx of users will strengthen the game’s economy and could push the price of in-game items either upward or stabilize at a higher value.
A Potential Partnership with Splinterlands
I also have an idea for a potential collaboration between Golem Overlord and Splinterlands. If Splinterlands were to release a promo card based on Golem Overlord (perhaps priced in PART or SHARD), this could benefit both games. In return, Golem Overlord could release something for Splinterlands, with pricing in DEC or SPS. Both games are based on the Hive blockchain, so a partnership like this could strengthen their respective economies. Additionally, they could establish a liquidity pool for DEC and PART, creating a synergy between the two ecosystems. It’s just an idea, but I hope the developer, Yixon, might see it and consider proposing it to the Splinterlands DAO.
Final Thoughts
Thanks for reading! I plan to continue sharing my journey with Golem Overlord, providing updates on my progress, earnings, and strategies. If you’re interested in joining the game, feel free to use my referral link HERE, and I’ll send you the 2 Hive I receive for the referral. Leave a comment, and I’ll make sure to send it your way.
I look forward to sharing more as I continue to explore Golem Overlord!
You claimed a Tier 3 Reward: 1000.0x COMP.
It was already added to your ingame Account.