PAL is PEACE ABUNDANCE, & LIBERTY -@swelker101 is taking that away from our community!
Swelker is violating community standards by starting a war with me and stating he will flag every single one of my posts. He is not being responsible with his power.
Please block @swelker101 from downvoting! Please also block @themarkymark, & @kawaiicrushed! These accounts are all abusing the PAL network!
@aggroad & @holger80 you are my witnesses so that is why I am tagging you in this post, not sure whom else would have the authority to block @swelker101?
I know I do a lot of damage around here, but would never try to block all of someone’s rewards like what he is doing to me. He is like a mini Berniesanders of PAL! Everybody makes mistakes and deserve a 2nd chance to change their ways.. Swelker101 is part of the gang I run up against on a daily basis, that is why I flagged him in the first place. Those guys put a flag bot on me so I fight back until I win!
He says I will never be able to earn anything on PAL because he will counter all my rewards forever! He is trying to threaten me to leave, which won’t happen!
Even though I do flag a lot, I would never stoop so low as to block 💯 % of their rewards..That seems like abuse of his power, and against the rules.
If he can do this to me, he can do it to anyone. Seems like vagrant abuse of power to me! So please counter or block some or all of @swelker101’s downvotes towards me and others.
Thank You! 🙏
You took the time of downvoting a series of my posts last night, as well as my comments and the comments of a very new and enthusiastic steemian that I on-boarded, and you want to talk about abuse, and ask for help from the people in the Peach Abundance and Liberty section, when you are single handedly trying to defy everything that they stand for? REALLY?
Well IDK, Blame it on @swelker101! I am charging up and will be dedicated to flagging him and his friends. Rules are rules, I took my flags off him, unless he stops with his decision I will reflag hon and whoever i see linked to his blog on steemit! I’ll play his game, no more mr. nice @coininstant! seriously!
Just so you know, @swelker101 is a person who has put in a ton of time, effort and dedication in aid of this platform, clearly a lot more than you realize and adamantly clear a lot more than you have done, he has the love and support of numerous people on the platform that I wouldn't want to fuck with if I was you.
You want to punish others for your self centered and ungrounded cause, just to feel better about yourself, then you should probably know that you are burning more bridges than you are making progress, and you are certainly not proving a point here either, the only thing that you are proving is that you are a self entitled prick with no respect for yourself let alone others on the platform, and that your disillusioned 'eye for an eye', strategy that you have based solely of your own ill conceived misconceptions serves no-one well - especially not you
Point proven!
You are an idiot who will carry on flagging innocent people for self gain, and who does not give a shit for contribution to this platform, got it!
Thanks for clearing that up!
Or you could take responsibility for your actions, realize that you're lying about going after bidbot abusers and realize that this is a losing battle. Your response right here is EXACTLY why you will not earn any Pal.
I’m not lying, go look at my post about flag santa that started all this!
I’m trying to be nice here, tomorrow’s another day to start over if you want! idk!
No no. You've made your bed. You've now threatened other people in a full bullying tactic instead of being a man.
Fine, don’t talk to me anymore! I’ll be coming after your steemit blog and your pals since I have way more SP than you! lol
Be my guest. I'm certain that you don't have as much SP as some of them.
You spent a few hours last night flagging me. Your flags started out of nowhere on one of Shane's posts where I had commented, and later you flagged one of my posts. When I came and commented on your post, I did flag you because you have been going around flagging everyone and you are the one that is actually abusing the flags. You do not deserve to earn any PAL if you are just going to use it for flagging purposes. From the looks of it, you are not very liked on the Steemit end and you have made a shit name for yourself here in Pal as well.
I took them back! End of story!

Well, I wont be flagging you, but you should seriously work on your people skills.
I will, I'm sorry for flagging you yesterday!
Shane is my hero. I love Shane. ♥ Thanks for the recent downvotes. I finally feel included.
OK, Sorry!
We'll I'm glad you feel included, however I down voted you because I was excluded from STEEMIT, by your hero! Oh well, at least you have the right attitude. Here is an upvote so I can exclude you too, thanks!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @coininstant!
Here you state that you're only here to pretty much not engage and flag people. As one of the people of the Palnet team, we have a duty to protect the coin from abuse, which you 100% fit the bill for.
Now, let's get to the rich part of your manic comments.
Your random flagging with no rhyme or reason and causing drama will not be tolerated and will be flagged.
On my flag list is you @coininstant, you as @honusurf, and a couple of other accounts that add zero to the Palnet tag. You were not picked at random or by chance, you were picked due to your own words and actions.
That was just a joke post, not the bible! I’ll go add funny to the tag then! I have the right to post whatever I wan’t and earn my stake too! Maybe not 100% of the time, but some percent! Whatever you already stated you’re case to me, I’m not ashamed of anything I posted, otherwise I would not have posted it on the internet for anyone to find!
I have the right to ask, they already blocked the other flag abusers, so goodbye!👋👋👋
You have the right to post whatever you want, and I have the right to flag it. At least we have an understanding.
I find it funny that people feel entitled to rewards on these platforms. No one is entitled to anything here. Keep doing your thing Shane.
We’ll see, they blocked bernie, they will block you too! Same Same Shane Shame! So i got the same right to flag as you, you going after me for using my rights is a contradiction . Not up to me, up to them to decide. They could block me then??? up to them!!! Anyway the difference is my flags are like little 🦟 mosquitoes, and yours on PAL are the law! big difference! You have to be careful now that u are a whale, you have to abide by a different set of rules now! You have responsibilities, not me because I’m just a little guppy fish in this big PAL sea and can’t harm anyone with my weak sp pal!
Nope, I said you had the right to post. But your flags were without a purpose and to cause drama. Mine is to prevent you from causing that same drama here. My flags are focused and purposeful, yours was random and hurt people for zero reason except to try to blame your actions on others. If you can't see the difference, then I'm sorry. Anyway, the flags will continue as long as you use the Palnet tag. Stop using the tag and the flags stop. It's pretty simple.
No, my flags had purpose, to go after the bid bot abusers, and the gangs centered around that abuse! That is the whole point! Don't tell me what to do, I will always be sure to post directly from PAL, and will always use the PAL tag! My posts get seen from PAL, not Steemit, why would I go back there?????? End of conversation.
And I am being flagged because?
And I will flag them. And as you say, end of conversation.
Fuck off already, I don't care. I will have more fun fighting with you! I don't need that measly PAL post reward! You got to be kidding me! I'll have my fun with you until you have no friends left! All I am doing is going after you now!
I'm living in your head rent-free.
The only stake you are entitled to is the stake that you purchase. Other than that, the community decides your earnings. That is how these places work. You should know that by now.