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RE: I pledge allegiance to the flag...

in #pledge8 years ago

I'v actually found the nationality a bit of a weird standard, sure we differ from each others with our customs we grow up with. But fundamentally we are all of the same being. And things like religion and nationality often bring a lot of hate towards one another simply for having a different view on things. I just don't see the point of it.. Let everyone have their own opinions, but don't go force it on someone else, and be sure that what you believe is your thought and not that one has told you (like a pledge 250x a year pff, should be tiring..)


This public schooling approach is a weapon of mass destruction . It makes you see another fractal of the great spirit embodied in your fellow man as "the other." You can kill the other, but you wouldn't kill a fractal of yourself.

The education system in general feels like a death sentence to a childs aspirations. As it only tells you what to do instead of asking what you want to learn..

and yeah, "them vs us" strategy