The US is a corporation. As are the UK, the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Germany) and all other western states. Their capitals, District of Columbia, London, Berlin are independent corporations.
The court systems, citizenships, birth certificates etc are subject to corporate law. However, corporate law is contractual. Unless a contract with a legal entity is signed by a person (the name that represents a natural human being), no charges, either taxes, fines or other obligations can be enforced. Corporate law is based on Maritime law, hence the Dock in a court, the citizenSHIP, etc.
There is much more to it than meets the eye. We are far from independent as human beings. The state is knowingly exploiting the ignorance of the people for labor/taxes and other charges.
Liberty is the unimpeded act of making decisions for oneself without imposing harm on someone else.
Good reminder of our the illusionary state we call independence even today.
Big subject.
ch @globocop