That picture was a crop of the David statue by Michelangelo, right? HA!
I don't even know now, because on Peakd, it has been censored. Please, if you are able (anyone, hopefully the frot who lynched the @pube accunt), explain to me like I am 5yo how this isn't censorship?
Since you don’t know much about hive I am showing you what I see :)
Will never have to hear from this account again :)
Also tracking where you walk your dog by the way ;) it’s not hard. I’d watch myself if I were you. Compared to you I have unlimited resources and there are people in your town who will be interested in you.
As someone who knows a lot about the chain, you could easily mute- and then all the mean crusade you say they're leveling at you goes away just as simply as your need to create a negative rep as a domination tactic. The fact that you feel comfortable making threats of irl stalking/doxxing and pair it with flaunting your stake in a way that you receive joy from trying to crush someone you don't like is seriously gross.
You could easily handle many of the things you believe in about Hive in ways that allow you to express your opinions on content or let you stick to the rules that you think you need to enforce without stooping like this. This sort of bizarre 'if you don't shut up I'll give you another one' threat doesn't work on a two year old in timeout, and it's certainly not something I support in the community that makes Hive great, even if this person is just as 'wrong'. You're making threats and the only difference between you and any other account is that you think you have enough stake that people should simply play the way you want them to. You can, and should, be better. I don't know this poster from Adam, but seeing the way you're handling this situation speaks more loudly than any of their posts.
What's worse is that he seems to have the full support of @blocktrades. @blocktrades has joined his downvote war against @lucylin in the past. If @azircon can keep a positive rep on this platform after this disgusting behavior, it is an indictment of the entire platform. There are whales here that have more than enough power to put a stop this abuse, but the most important whale on this entire platform (@blocktrades) has not only not condemned the behavior, but has joined in with it. @blocktrades, do you still support this guy?
Again you fail to understand how rep works. It is not possible to get a negative rep with the current model from 74 easily. But it is easily possible to get a negative rep from zero. Also when neg rep people like yourself tag others we don’t really see it. I have a tag set up for you so I get a ping when you mention me. But otherwise you are muted.
Also with all the things that many of you have said that is hurting price of hive. We are currently at all-time-high:) it’s sad you guys are missing the party :)
btw - not joining this discussion, thought that one was over 3/4 months ago - baffled a bit by all parties to be honest. But I need to talk on a different subject.
Please tell me, what is your involvement in any of this. Please also tell me do I have to answer any questions to you? Please don’t respond as I won’t respond back.
I am writing to you from here. It’s nice here. I am surprised that I have good signal. So if you excuse me, I am going to enjoy this view now.
You are a whale on hive, there is surely never a justification for using veiled threats against other users. I recall that there is a precedent for identifying and moving away from dangerous people on the level 0 of this blockchain community. Please rise above the veiled threat potential violence if you can, it helps your case in other areas when you are trying to win debates on the ethics of censorship and rewards disagreements.
There is no debate I am participating. Also me being a whale (which is a word I don’t enjoy much) has nothing to do with it. There was an individual doing personal attacks on me for a while. I responded. It has nothing to do with you. I thank you for your concern. There is no drama, so let us not create one.
I usually leave myself out of of these types of conflicts on this network. Hell I don't even blog. Just read peoples material... but there are two things here.. You are incandescently inept, and arrogant. First off after twelve years as a law enforcement professional I can't help but find the fact that you would openly threaten to leverage your "resources" to threaten or cause distress to someone astoundingly dumb. Especially as you boast about that which you own so openly.. and provide screen shots. It's astoundingly stupid as it's more than enough for me to work with, and your comment above easily could be perceived as a statement of intent.
Now to make things clear you are a geologist with a phD in philosophy who has made a decent career working as a an exploration geo scientist.. Not a criminal, or even anything frightening. Now SS ask yourself a few questions here... If someone wrote what you wrote in the above reply would you feel threatened? Further more before you try to squirm or say you wouldn't how about this.. If someone said to you in one of your replies something along the lines of... I don't know.. 'I lived in the Houston area at the beginning of my career and still maintain a majority of my contacts with my former colleagues in various areas of public service. I have some concerns for the well being of two small children's due to one of their parents showing a number of behaviors that are consistent with a controlling, coercive, abusive male. Perhaps this needs to be looked into as a matter of child welfare and safety. Why don't we start with notifying The Dept of Children and Families on this to address this concern? Maybe add some umph to the report so they take action and we can ensure the children's well being.'
' I also have some concerns that this individual may leverage some of his assets to commission a crime due to multiple statements he has made online. Why don't I inquire into that? Hell if I'm lucky there could be enough for a shot at civil asset forfeiture if nothing else. After all the common understanding of distributed ledger technology is it's predominantly used for crime.'
See SS? That's just the beginning of what people could do here. I'm not saying I'm going to but it still feels pretty threatening doesn't it? I mean DFACS would have to follow through as it's their job.Your children would be interviewed. It can be distressing as hell for all involved. Regarding your statement of leveraging your assets to harm someone or initiate harm against money is free money for law enforcement agencies and their always happy for the excuse.. and no.. CAF isn't just restricted to narcotics or large sums of cash. We used to use it all the time for a variety of purposes.
But what a horrible reality or series of potentials for the average shell employee. Or further more how pissed would the children's mother be that in the name of their fathers petty pencil neck ego he brought trouble on top of trouble into their world? For what exactly? "Protecting his investment"? She has a good background like you as well... why bring the type of shame you are inevitably inviting on yourself? Your home? I have over a 100k in Hive in alt accounts, I am widely diversified across a range of cryptocurrencies, and at no juncture does it occur to me to head down the road you headed down with this dude threatening him. I am quasi retired at this point due to these investments and not being an idiot about the social side of things. I definitely have more than you. Even if you add the shares your company hands you as part of your package, and your rental properties. From Calgary to Texas to the Gulf Coast.. as an oil industry professional at best your the upper part of the middle dude.
I'm not threatening you btw. I'm simply illustrating how prices can come around for this type of of behavior. ... And to be clear if I wanted to I could dox you now but why? I've got pretty much everything I will ever need to know about you sitting in my inbox as I type this. Hell I know Houston well enough after living not to far from westview drive for a number of years. At a very early part of my career it was one of the cities in Texas I had to work. At the moment I don't feel like doxxing you or anyone around you as it seems pointless. I want you to end the threatening bullshit. I'm giving you an out in this reply.
Look, I don't care about you "demonitising" peoples material. Granted I get a kick out of what some of these loons put up, but really deep down I don't care enough to reach out to you and fire a warning shot. That's not the reason at all. But if you choose to add threatening to throwing your inept weight around then you will have to deal with some real world consequences. I'll ensure it. In many ways given the threats you have issued here already I will have to as a concerned citizen. Your behaviors meet the test of being alarming, and you're right down the road. Of course I'm going respond to your bullshit in a legal and asymmetric fashion. Again not a threat, just an assurance. And yeah I will dox the hell out of you then in a legal and open fashion. Well, once I'm done everywhere else. People will want to put a face to a name. Barring this comment it will be the first post I ever create here. It won't be harassing, and in no way are you guaranteed anonymity on this network. Sorry I'll just have to make a whole new level of insufferable for you. In the end there will be nothing you can do about it.
Here in the states there are a number of ways to deal with certain concerns considering the average citizen breaks multiple laws between waking and sleep that they are completely clueless to. Or.. perhaps consider the softer side of this that I'm going to put out.. don't threaten other people. Reel it in and sharpen up. Apoligise to this individual, no more "I'll deal with you" comments, no more bullshit. Do that simple thing without sarcasm and humility and I don't care what you do. Keep the mask avatar, down vote as it seems to keep you happy, again don't care. Don't let that little smarmy ego get in the way here, just shut up regarding these delusional projections of the big bad guy. You're not and we both know that. It's laughable.You're Jumped up sure. But more or less just another little guy with a big ego based off of some small notoriety in a field swarmed with carbon copies of the same. You're smart, but you're also dumb as hell.
But be aware I'll be keeping an eye on you. Keep crossing certain lines and I'll feel obligated to step in. It will cost me a morning to get the ball rolling that will roll right down on you. It will come from all sides and be far worse than anything I illustrated here. It will be legal, it will be disruptive, you will feel later like it wasn't really worth the aggravation and stress. After that I'll go put my toes in the sand and enjoy another day of lazing around on the Gulf Coast/bay down the road from you feeling like a piece of garbage has been dealt with. Along the lines of what you felt the need to state to the author of the above post... remember where you live man, this is Texas. Mess with the bull, get the horns. So why not do that. Leave the threatening safety of people out of your antics. Give it a rest and enjoy your Hive experience. Otherwise I'm going to take more of an interest in you. Bet your bottom dollar you ain't gonna like it.
Ron. Of all people I didn’t expect this from you. I thought you have seen me enough and you can’t reach out to me personally at any and all times.
Did you failed to notice how much hate speech and personal attack these guys are doing on me for months? Again that doesn’t bother me the slightest. But you making a comment like that without investigating does. I am sorry Ron. My impression on you have changed now.
I don't have time to go through the chain of 100s of comments and posts to get to the bottom of some drama likely caused by decimating rewards based on opinion. I have enough on my plate at this moment.
That doesn't change the fact that you just threatened someone. My tolerance for opinions is quite obviously much bigger than most people, but I have zero tolerance for physical threats. This would apply both ways, so if I missed where they said they're going to stalk you and use their resources to make you pay while they're out walking their dog, then please feel free to point me in the right direction.
Holy shit lol.
That picture was a crop of the David statue by Michelangelo, right? HA!
I don't even know now, because on Peakd, it has been censored. Please, if you are able (anyone, hopefully the frot who lynched the @pube accunt), explain to me like I am 5yo how this isn't censorship?
Remember, I'm 5yo. Keep it in your pants you dirty cunt, I saw you downvote that post (
EDIT: to add, since you may have missed my last message, @edicted, are you associated with this? trying to join the dots.
He's just memeing. There was no pic posted, he posted those words with that specific formatting to make a point.
Hive is amazing when you have negative rep :) ;)
Since you don’t know much about hive I am showing you what I see :)
Will never have to hear from this account again :)
Also tracking where you walk your dog by the way ;) it’s not hard. I’d watch myself if I were you. Compared to you I have unlimited resources and there are people in your town who will be interested in you.
As someone who knows a lot about the chain, you could easily mute- and then all the mean crusade you say they're leveling at you goes away just as simply as your need to create a negative rep as a domination tactic. The fact that you feel comfortable making threats of irl stalking/doxxing and pair it with flaunting your stake in a way that you receive joy from trying to crush someone you don't like is seriously gross.
You could easily handle many of the things you believe in about Hive in ways that allow you to express your opinions on content or let you stick to the rules that you think you need to enforce without stooping like this. This sort of bizarre 'if you don't shut up I'll give you another one' threat doesn't work on a two year old in timeout, and it's certainly not something I support in the community that makes Hive great, even if this person is just as 'wrong'. You're making threats and the only difference between you and any other account is that you think you have enough stake that people should simply play the way you want them to. You can, and should, be better. I don't know this poster from Adam, but seeing the way you're handling this situation speaks more loudly than any of their posts.
Again I will repeat what I said to Ron. You must take some time off from you busy schedule and read this post. There are many like this
Then tell me who is doing personal attack. Actually better yet, don’t tell me. As this is not worth any drama.
Frot is muted from my end.
What's worse is that he seems to have the full support of @blocktrades. @blocktrades has joined his downvote war against @lucylin in the past. If @azircon can keep a positive rep on this platform after this disgusting behavior, it is an indictment of the entire platform. There are whales here that have more than enough power to put a stop this abuse, but the most important whale on this entire platform (@blocktrades) has not only not condemned the behavior, but has joined in with it. @blocktrades, do you still support this guy?
Again you fail to understand how rep works. It is not possible to get a negative rep with the current model from 74 easily. But it is easily possible to get a negative rep from zero. Also when neg rep people like yourself tag others we don’t really see it. I have a tag set up for you so I get a ping when you mention me. But otherwise you are muted.
Also with all the things that many of you have said that is hurting price of hive. We are currently at all-time-high:) it’s sad you guys are missing the party :)
Hi @proofofbrainio , can not reach you anymore on Discord, please ping me there!
btw - not joining this discussion, thought that one was over 3/4 months ago - baffled a bit by all parties to be honest. But I need to talk on a different subject.
Are you threatening people IRL? Because it sounds like you are making threats against people, where they live and during normal activities.
This is not acceptable.
I will defend your right to use your stake however you like, even when I think it is just weird power tripping, but you crossed a line here.
No. I am not threatening any bodily injury to people. Thank you for your concern.
What an incredibly odd thing thing to say then.
People in his town?
Please tell me, what is your involvement in any of this. Please also tell me do I have to answer any questions to you? Please don’t respond as I won’t respond back.
I am writing to you from here. It’s nice here. I am surprised that I have good signal. So if you excuse me, I am going to enjoy this view now.
You are a whale on hive, there is surely never a justification for using veiled threats against other users. I recall that there is a precedent for identifying and moving away from dangerous people on the level 0 of this blockchain community. Please rise above the veiled threat potential violence if you can, it helps your case in other areas when you are trying to win debates on the ethics of censorship and rewards disagreements.
There is no debate I am participating. Also me being a whale (which is a word I don’t enjoy much) has nothing to do with it. There was an individual doing personal attacks on me for a while. I responded. It has nothing to do with you. I thank you for your concern. There is no drama, so let us not create one.
I usually leave myself out of of these types of conflicts on this network. Hell I don't even blog. Just read peoples material... but there are two things here.. You are incandescently inept, and arrogant. First off after twelve years as a law enforcement professional I can't help but find the fact that you would openly threaten to leverage your "resources" to threaten or cause distress to someone astoundingly dumb. Especially as you boast about that which you own so openly.. and provide screen shots. It's astoundingly stupid as it's more than enough for me to work with, and your comment above easily could be perceived as a statement of intent.
Now to make things clear you are a geologist with a phD in philosophy who has made a decent career working as a an exploration geo scientist.. Not a criminal, or even anything frightening. Now SS ask yourself a few questions here... If someone wrote what you wrote in the above reply would you feel threatened? Further more before you try to squirm or say you wouldn't how about this.. If someone said to you in one of your replies something along the lines of... I don't know.. 'I lived in the Houston area at the beginning of my career and still maintain a majority of my contacts with my former colleagues in various areas of public service. I have some concerns for the well being of two small children's due to one of their parents showing a number of behaviors that are consistent with a controlling, coercive, abusive male. Perhaps this needs to be looked into as a matter of child welfare and safety. Why don't we start with notifying The Dept of Children and Families on this to address this concern? Maybe add some umph to the report so they take action and we can ensure the children's well being.'
' I also have some concerns that this individual may leverage some of his assets to commission a crime due to multiple statements he has made online. Why don't I inquire into that? Hell if I'm lucky there could be enough for a shot at civil asset forfeiture if nothing else. After all the common understanding of distributed ledger technology is it's predominantly used for crime.'
See SS? That's just the beginning of what people could do here. I'm not saying I'm going to but it still feels pretty threatening doesn't it? I mean DFACS would have to follow through as it's their job.Your children would be interviewed. It can be distressing as hell for all involved. Regarding your statement of leveraging your assets to harm someone or initiate harm against money is free money for law enforcement agencies and their always happy for the excuse.. and no.. CAF isn't just restricted to narcotics or large sums of cash. We used to use it all the time for a variety of purposes.
But what a horrible reality or series of potentials for the average shell employee. Or further more how pissed would the children's mother be that in the name of their fathers petty pencil neck ego he brought trouble on top of trouble into their world? For what exactly? "Protecting his investment"? She has a good background like you as well... why bring the type of shame you are inevitably inviting on yourself? Your home? I have over a 100k in Hive in alt accounts, I am widely diversified across a range of cryptocurrencies, and at no juncture does it occur to me to head down the road you headed down with this dude threatening him. I am quasi retired at this point due to these investments and not being an idiot about the social side of things. I definitely have more than you. Even if you add the shares your company hands you as part of your package, and your rental properties. From Calgary to Texas to the Gulf Coast.. as an oil industry professional at best your the upper part of the middle dude.
I'm not threatening you btw. I'm simply illustrating how prices can come around for this type of of behavior. ... And to be clear if I wanted to I could dox you now but why? I've got pretty much everything I will ever need to know about you sitting in my inbox as I type this. Hell I know Houston well enough after living not to far from westview drive for a number of years. At a very early part of my career it was one of the cities in Texas I had to work. At the moment I don't feel like doxxing you or anyone around you as it seems pointless. I want you to end the threatening bullshit. I'm giving you an out in this reply.
Look, I don't care about you "demonitising" peoples material. Granted I get a kick out of what some of these loons put up, but really deep down I don't care enough to reach out to you and fire a warning shot. That's not the reason at all. But if you choose to add threatening to throwing your inept weight around then you will have to deal with some real world consequences. I'll ensure it. In many ways given the threats you have issued here already I will have to as a concerned citizen. Your behaviors meet the test of being alarming, and you're right down the road. Of course I'm going respond to your bullshit in a legal and asymmetric fashion. Again not a threat, just an assurance. And yeah I will dox the hell out of you then in a legal and open fashion. Well, once I'm done everywhere else. People will want to put a face to a name. Barring this comment it will be the first post I ever create here. It won't be harassing, and in no way are you guaranteed anonymity on this network. Sorry I'll just have to make a whole new level of insufferable for you. In the end there will be nothing you can do about it.
Here in the states there are a number of ways to deal with certain concerns considering the average citizen breaks multiple laws between waking and sleep that they are completely clueless to. Or.. perhaps consider the softer side of this that I'm going to put out.. don't threaten other people. Reel it in and sharpen up. Apoligise to this individual, no more "I'll deal with you" comments, no more bullshit. Do that simple thing without sarcasm and humility and I don't care what you do. Keep the mask avatar, down vote as it seems to keep you happy, again don't care. Don't let that little smarmy ego get in the way here, just shut up regarding these delusional projections of the big bad guy. You're not and we both know that. It's laughable.You're Jumped up sure. But more or less just another little guy with a big ego based off of some small notoriety in a field swarmed with carbon copies of the same. You're smart, but you're also dumb as hell.
But be aware I'll be keeping an eye on you. Keep crossing certain lines and I'll feel obligated to step in. It will cost me a morning to get the ball rolling that will roll right down on you. It will come from all sides and be far worse than anything I illustrated here. It will be legal, it will be disruptive, you will feel later like it wasn't really worth the aggravation and stress. After that I'll go put my toes in the sand and enjoy another day of lazing around on the Gulf Coast/bay down the road from you feeling like a piece of garbage has been dealt with. Along the lines of what you felt the need to state to the author of the above post... remember where you live man, this is Texas. Mess with the bull, get the horns. So why not do that. Leave the threatening safety of people out of your antics. Give it a rest and enjoy your Hive experience. Otherwise I'm going to take more of an interest in you. Bet your bottom dollar you ain't gonna like it.
I normally don't give 100% UV to comments but when it probably takes more effort to write than most of the posts I vote for...
I think that’s a bit overboard now. Real life threats shouldn’t be brought on the table.
But, I can’t change your opinions.
You went from policing opinions to threatening people now? So much for that "moral high ground" while you feign offense at words.
Ron. Of all people I didn’t expect this from you. I thought you have seen me enough and you can’t reach out to me personally at any and all times.
Did you failed to notice how much hate speech and personal attack these guys are doing on me for months? Again that doesn’t bother me the slightest. But you making a comment like that without investigating does. I am sorry Ron. My impression on you have changed now.
I don't have time to go through the chain of 100s of comments and posts to get to the bottom of some drama likely caused by decimating rewards based on opinion. I have enough on my plate at this moment.
That doesn't change the fact that you just threatened someone. My tolerance for opinions is quite obviously much bigger than most people, but I have zero tolerance for physical threats. This would apply both ways, so if I missed where they said they're going to stalk you and use their resources to make you pay while they're out walking their dog, then please feel free to point me in the right direction.
Dude. I told you many times it is not about the money. If you need help you just say it. Don't spam the chain.
See? No upvote. No tip. Just an instant money transfer on the fastest blockchain of the world :)
Hope this helps.