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RE: Making The Proof-of-Brain Pipe-Dream A Reality

in #pob6 years ago

I think the key to eliminating vote bots is to create a decentralized vote-buying market where everyone is a vote-bot. This will undercut all the for-profit services out there and show these talented programmers that they just straight up wasted their time trying to create a centralized service with them as the middle man. Blockchain kills the middle man. We need to rewire our brains in order to participate with this economy in a healthy way.

Another way to kill vote bots is to eliminate the artificial scarcity created by the trending tab. We need decentralized trending tabs that are controlled by each individual user or a trusted proxy.

I believe the backbone of all the apps I want to create involves a platform of decentralized reputation scores. We chose who we trust on the blockchain, and those choices modify the information we receive and the order we receive it in.


Damn, you're sound!

Definitely agree with the decentralized market idea where anyone can perform the service. But, alternatively, an opensource version of steemvoter might work as well.

Delegation upvote services might be the key. Nobody spends money and various small communities benefit within their topic/tag or something.

Your decentralized trending tabs thing is taking a little time for my mind to wrap around.

I like the reputation aspect. One thing that frustrates me about reputation is that it holds virtually no value at all. Its just a number next to our face that suggests we either have a ton of SP, spend a lot of bid bots, or rarely get downvoted. The last part is good, but the first two nullify the last's value add.

Determining reputation and trust is the core fundamental problem of every blockchain in existence. Blockchain needs more consensus algorithms. proof-of-brain needs one most of all.