It's looking pretty stylish - check out and see what you think

Here is my initial feedback:
I guess it's still a work in progress because I was unable to do a post on the new front end yet. Obvously, this needs more work.

The pop up saying "are you sure?" should be banished to the pits of hell

What I need for myself is an option in settings to turn off the rewards on comments. Otherwise I will just get downvoted on all my comments.

But overall, I think it looks really cool - great job so far

@pube will be handling all my comments until further notice

Free speech is a wonderful thing.. we use to have ... Once they can read our minds we will lose freedom of thought.. So we will have to think in code to get around that.
Yup, been having a look and am liking it. Love that there is a night mode. When voting though, can't see how much % left and I'd like to be able to. Interesting to see that pools are integrated at top-level!