In the past three weeks, the radical creatives of EXTREMISTS BEING AWESOME have accomplished a lot!
Two hours a day of focused work really adds up over time. I’ve spent the majority of the focus sessions working on the novel and essays for the newsletter, and have made amazing progress! But I find myself wanting to do even more. I have a project on the back burner that’s dangerously close to getting burnt, and haven’t been able to figure out a regular, daily time to work on it.
That’s why this weekend, I’m going to go full Extremist. Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10, I’ll be devoting ALL THE TIME to this side project, in hopes that I’ll have production phase completed and be ready for the distribution phase by next week.
I’d love it if you would join me! If you have a thing that you’ve been wanting to work on, but just haven’t been able to scrape together the minutes out of your busy schedule, why not devote a weekend to knocking it out?
If you’d like to join, here are the details:
Saturday, April 9th, 2 PM - 9 PM (Eastern)
Sunday, April 10th, 2 PM - 9 PM (Eastern)
There will be a one-hour dinner break both days, at 5 PM.
Otherwise, the format will be the same as our regular daily focus sessions: A 10-minute chat to get us started, then 50-minute sprints with 5-minute breaks between.
You do not have to join both days, and you are not obligated to stay for the full session. I just ask that if you can’t join at the 2 PM start time, you wait until after the dinner break to hop on the Zoom call at 6 PM.
HOWEVER! Anyone who does decide to stay for the full session, both days, will receive a special surprise gift from me for being so awesome!
Because we’ll be spending the whole weekend being awesome, the regular Saturday morning focus session and the Sunday evening motivation call will be canceled for the week.
Send me a message at starrohara (at) protonmail.com if you want in! I will send you the meeting links.
Hope to see some Hiveans there!