This talk was not at all what I expected it to be; I thought it would be another Dr. Epstein talk about why you need to get rid of all Google products and prioritize privacy. I was pleasantly surprised when Mr. Miller started explaining the effects of Big Tech on mental health and the overall well being of society, as well as the need for security.
I also was wary about how the Poverty Inc. documentary would be tied in with this talk about Big Tech, but he connected them so flawlessly. The idea that something being free does not mean that it is good is strongly represented in the two. Just because Google offers free storage and email does not mean it is a positive thing to do. For no charge, they have access to all of your searches, emails, and data.
The manipulation of these major technology companies is concerning, but at the same time, I do not have the sense of urgency to remove all ties I have with them. When Miller mentioned the Libertarian view of not really caring about data constantly being collected on us, I totally related. His counter argument that data being sold or given to the government would give them a lot of control and power got me thinking and reevaluating.
I even said in my response for this week that I did not understand the gravity of the issue with Big Tech companies collecting our data and that since everyone is being tracked, why should I care. I am one out of billions of people- why is my data worth so much? And then I realized that these data collecting companies probably have secret deals with the government and are giving them more power over us. The book Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorites, but the parallels are becoming too apparent as I learn more about the information that the government is collecting on us and our every move.
The manipulation and change of human behavior as social media presence has increased is also concerning. The way that Big Tech's presence is changing the way that the average human lives and thinks is very scary to think about, and I do not have much hope for the future. Society seems to be so easily mislead and lied to, and I am not separate from this issue. I worry about this getting out of hand one day and giving the government a lot more control than they need.
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