The mask comes from a empty spirit ghost who harassed a non consenting 10 years old girl , while her parents are turned in to pigs , in a bath(sex)house ruled by evil spirits .
Sounds like a paedophile upvoting spirit to me ,.. i wonder if his partner or kids know this about this two faced shit face mask wearing obsession with pokemon's and children .
It threatened me to ,... but fuck it , i aint scared by a empty childlike anime loving empty hollow person at all ...
It only made me negatively advertise Hive on other platforms , telling everyone why to avoid this realm at all cost .
May that empty spirit vanish with the hive-mind it created , i do not care for a place where fuckshits like that think they are rulers .
Take your dpos and stick it where the sun doesn't shine fools .
I as a consumer have the great power ,... not to consume .
Goodby Hive,.. Hello Blurt .
I'm back! - Keep tagging your posts with #pob or #proofofbrain - my upvotes are not worth much in POB at the moment but give it a week or so and I will be able to dole out some big upvotes in VYB (Verify Your Brain) tokens!