You clearly haven’t visited my account but thank again if you feel theia way why not take the door 🚪 that brought you here it’s a free choice of blogging we are not holding a gun to your head. And the fact that you wrote this comment says it all. There are multiple ways to enjoy life hive is not for you apparently @xiko
Crap Hahahhaha you made a comment that was so good I had to men you. you came 8-9 weeks ago you have 30 hive , do us all a favour just power down and just go donwhatever makes you feel happy clearly you haven’t read anything about this platform and the fact you think we all write about empanadas is freaking AWSOME. Hive is just not your cuppa so go somewhere else. And yes I read , I comment and even this is fun. And again you clown you just don’t get it and not making hive either so go to do door and do yourself a big favour
What for you is bullshit, as you rightly said, for others, who like the subject of culinary arts, is definitely a good publication. Quality, my lord, is a subjective thing. Maybe for you, (because before issuing my humble opinion, I took a walk through your blog, dear @xico where there is only one publication, which was considered PLAGIARISM). So, from what I could see in your personal blog, is that plagiarism and a poor and terse publication of some fat guys fighting, is quality content. I even read your response to hive watchers and it is offensive from every point of view, which speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.
Maybe for you too the fact that on Steemit there is a mob that only supports their close friends and close friends, regardless of the quality of the photos, impeccable writing and attractive presentation (because I know that on that platform they DON'T support quality content, at all).
do support users with different content. Because just because I don't like writing about math, for example, doesn't mean I think that's bad content.The fact that users like @acidyo, hand in hand with @ocdb wants to do a cleanup on the platform, I think it's great, because they
That's why diversity exists on @hive and is supported.
Since you find Steemit so wonderful (which I respect, but couldn't disagree more) and Hive seems to you not to be, why don't you go over there, with your wonderful Zumo fight posts?
But to come and sully the platform with your offenses and bad words, says an awful lot about you. Of course, everything your words say about yourself, is so negative.....
If I only understand Pictures hahaha you are a clown @xiko and really funny!
Anyway if you can't see it then carry on doing whatever you do here.
I'm just expressing my view on the many flaws of this Hive thing which admittedly CAN'T GET THE GROWTH thing right.
Maybe you don’t get how it works, and that’s fine we don’t judge well I don’t you are the reason I blog even harder to prop e you wrong , than again you won’t see it because you left hopefully to make your dreams come true on another platform
so again power down and Join or something you will
have a blastThere you go I did read and first was like dude you don’t get it, than I saw you were a newbie so why tell you the truth but than you made it something else, if you aren’t a blogger what the hell are you doing here. Go power down and leave. It’s easy ! Play along or go away are your own words and for the record I don’t play along , I voice my opinion and I sure do downvote when I think it’s nesseccary but you do not have enough knowledge to have that opinion of hive yet. So go read up and then come back and show things that for instence @acidyo it’s his blog but also all the other and me, can comment st in constructively. And we can go on like this it’s fun but your RC will be gone and you made you point clear
You mean your plagiarized shitpost?
You clearly haven’t visited my account but thank again if you feel theia way why not take the door 🚪 that brought you here it’s a free choice of blogging we are not holding a gun to your head. And the fact that you wrote this comment says it all. There are multiple ways to enjoy life hive is not for you apparently @xiko
Crap Hahahhaha you made a comment that was so good I had to men you. you came 8-9 weeks ago you have 30 hive , do us all a favour just power down and just go donwhatever makes you feel happy clearly you haven’t read anything about this platform and the fact you think we all write about empanadas is freaking AWSOME. Hive is just not your cuppa so go somewhere else. And yes I read , I comment and even this is fun. And again you clown you just don’t get it and not making hive either so go to do door and do yourself a big favour
What for you is bullshit, as you rightly said, for others, who like the subject of culinary arts, is definitely a good publication. Quality, my lord, is a subjective thing. Maybe for you, (because before issuing my humble opinion, I took a walk through your blog, dear @xico where there is only one publication, which was considered PLAGIARISM). So, from what I could see in your personal blog, is that plagiarism and a poor and terse publication of some fat guys fighting, is quality content. I even read your response to hive watchers and it is offensive from every point of view, which speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.
Maybe for you too the fact that on Steemit there is a mob that only supports their close friends and close friends, regardless of the quality of the photos, impeccable writing and attractive presentation (because I know that on that platform they DON'T support quality content, at all).
do support users with different content. Because just because I don't like writing about math, for example, doesn't mean I think that's bad content.The fact that users like @acidyo, hand in hand with @ocdb wants to do a cleanup on the platform, I think it's great, because they
That's why diversity exists on @hive and is supported.
Since you find Steemit so wonderful (which I respect, but couldn't disagree more) and Hive seems to you not to be, why don't you go over there, with your wonderful Zumo fight posts?
But to come and sully the platform with your offenses and bad words, says an awful lot about you. Of course, everything your words say about yourself, is so negative.....
If I only understand Pictures hahaha you are a clown @xiko and really funny!
I'm just expressing my view on the many flaws of this Hive thing which admittedly CAN'T GET THE GROWTH thing right.
Maybe you don’t get how it works, and that’s fine we don’t judge well I don’t you are the reason I blog even harder to prop e you wrong , than again you won’t see it because you left hopefully to make your dreams come true on another platform
so again power down and Join or something you will
have a blastThere you go I did read and first was like dude you don’t get it, than I saw you were a newbie so why tell you the truth but than you made it something else, if you aren’t a blogger what the hell are you doing here. Go power down and leave. It’s easy ! Play along or go away are your own words and for the record I don’t play along , I voice my opinion and I sure do downvote when I think it’s nesseccary but you do not have enough knowledge to have that opinion of hive yet. So go read up and then come back and show things that for instence @acidyo it’s his blog but also all the other and me, can comment st in constructively. And we can go on like this it’s fun but your RC will be gone and you made you point clear