Pocket value was low rigth now!
I have 999999 pocket and it was open for 20 sbd!
Until it rise the value again, I !eave it as is..
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Pocket value was low rigth now!
I have 999999 pocket and it was open for 20 sbd!
Until it rise the value again, I !eave it as is..
So when it was open for 20 SBD, the price was 50 000 Pockets for 1 SBD. I will pay you 3 SBD for 150 000 Pockets.
Sometimes after this post was published I have received some rewards, so now I can also pay 5 SBD for 250 000 Pockets.
Are you interested in any of this offers?
I will sold 999999 at 20sbd at once
Sorry. I do not have 20SBD. :-(
But thank you for such quick response :-).