Successful Send of 501
Sending Account: heroic15397
Receiving Account: maarnio
New sending account balance: 468932
New receiving account balance: 1000500
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: f8173bd2d422e831ca5d0b835bd831f43175f48c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.
Thank you for the pocketsend and thank you for resteeming.
My pleasure, I like your Crypto Contest idea. Not only it's a cool and original contest, but I also get to learn from it!
Successful Send of 501
Sending Account: heroic15397
Receiving Account: maarnio
New sending account balance: 468932
New receiving account balance: 1000500
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: f8173bd2d422e831ca5d0b835bd831f43175f48c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.