I went a head and did this.

in #podcast4 years ago

I went ahead and made an account for this podcast. It will serve as a a place for me to post the podcast episodes until I get a proper rss feed from Aureal. So the audio files will be hosted on IPFS and video versions will be on @threespeak.

You can find the first episode here. But the next several episodes will be posted on this account and not the rss feed that comes from Anchor.fm. So if I've understood things right you can subscribe to the feeds below.

Feeds or just follow me on any of Hive's apps.

These feeds you would put into some kine of podcast catcher or rss feed reader.
Decentracast Podcast

Decentracast Blog

Decntracast Video

Chances are that there is nothing at these feeds yet. But there soon will be.


Can I add any features to HiveRSS to make it work better for podcasts?

I honestly dont know, lol. That would be a question for @brianoflondon or @podping. I couldnt code my way out of box.

Maybe the ability for media enclosures? I dont know if that is something that comes from the front end like PeakD, Aureal, 3Speak, etc or if comes from the RSS.

Hello @decentracast / @unklebonehead! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome!

But since you're not exactly new to Hive, I'm gonna skip the rest of my welcome speech...lol! Good luck with the podcast!

Lol, Thank you!