EP #5 - The challenge of keeping a schedule [Diary of a Lazy Man - podcast]

in #podcast5 years ago


It's hard to keep a schedule.

Every time I open Google Calendar or a blank sheet of paper in my notebook, I'm so pumped up. I'm energetic and motivated, like the Duracell Bunny before a race. But then the real thing happens and you're put in a situation to do what you've scheduled to do.

You were motivated before, but when you're supposed to do the thing, that you scheduled for yourself, you prefer to do entirely something else.

It happens a lot to me. This is the struggle of a lazy man. Keeping a schedule. I've reached the point where I don't make schedules anymore. I just make beacons, goals, and milestones. And I try to reach those.

What about you? How do you keep your schedules?
