Welcome to the Value of Work podcast.
I'm Pascale "Poppins" RECHER, your host.
This is the start of a new adventure, a series of conversations around the various aspects of our work and we can redefine what matters to us and how we run our businesses.
Let's discuss the value of work,
- the energy we put in,
- the value we deliver to our clients,
- the value we get from it
- and what we should be aware of in our business.
While we are at it, why not challenge the "should" & assumptions we have in our business.
That's what I invite you to do with this podcast.
We can get blindsided by the shine of profit, and realise a few years later that what was important (health or loved ones) disappeared. Or we can work and know our compass and choose work that give us what we dream of, whatever that is.
Maybe for you it's freedom to take time off. Maybe it's being able to travel.
Maybe it's just peace of mind that if you were sick you would still have income coming in.
You can listen and subscribe here: https://pascalepoppins.com/the-value-of-work-podcast/