Hello everyone,
I would like to participate in the #poecomp hardcore race by @mattclarke once again. I haven't played since the last one but I learnt a lot during that race and for sure I won't make the same mistakes this time.
At the moment, I don't know what type of character will I start. Since I'm no expert, for sure I am going to look for a safe and relatively easy build and I will check what the other participants start to avoid racing against heavy competition.
Also, I am going to advance really slowly and patiently AND for sure I won't open strongboxes this time. :)
Thanks for the opportunity and best wishes to everyone involved!
Great to have you back onboard. You're my 4th contender, may the best man win.
Looking forward to it. :) Btw, it's quite surprising that only a couple of people joined so far.
Yes, I thought the shorter race and wider spread of prizes would bring in a few more punters.
Ultimately I don't mind.
The depth of strategy may be even more interesting, with a handful of players each vying for multiple prizes. Spread yourself too thin and you might lose out entirely.
Focus too much on one char and maybe miss out on an easy additional win with another.
I prefer the longer race, there is a lot going on this weekend so I'm not sure how much I'll get to play.
Would have thought you'd get at least as many players as last time.
Very nice, I wish you much luck and I hope you die less than I will. I for sure will be opening those lockboxes. What's life without a little risk!
I'm hoping this time around to not die right away to a spike trap--doh!
Thanks @enjar,
Certainly, there are benefits of opening them since the drops can help a lot with a bit of luck. So it's all about what tactic you choose. :)
Opening boxes be like:
Good luck to you too!
hehe, it certainly is!
Yeah, those trials took some scalps :)
@holoz0r streamed a heartbreaking ranger death early.
Good luck. Avoid the strongboxes and the big red faces on the radar. Damn those things are lethal.