I don’t dare to look to see if there are any non-melee. All I got say is I’m loving the changes so far. No longer feel like there lead in my boots and can dance around a boss taking very little damage.
Took a short break to make some dinner. Hamburger and fries! Don’t want let that hunger get the best of you.
Have fun.
I've had 1 death, thanks to a healing legion goldie. started another character, but going for a bit of a break to get food too. Need food to get through the day
Ouch! I'm staying away from the new stuff for now. They always have a record for smashing players into the ground at lower levels till it gets adjusted.
Seems like a lot of little changes here or there. They at least know how to keep it feeling fresh.
I hope the next toon goes better after some food!
I found it wasn't too bad, but the issue with summons is they actually fight whichever of the frozen they want as they are all 'enemies'. I also may have been a bit overzealous with seeing if I could do more after the first one went so easily.
Second character did a fair few and mostly hunted out the chests and attacked them (and things around it). Was cruising until sudden death from a vaal side area boss dropping firestorm on my laggy head. Still enjoying the minion build, but would love to not be lagging as much. got some footage that I'm dumping on youtube too, but that takes ages to upload (stupid slow connection...)
You sure are a risk taker in this race! Looking forward to seeing the video.
I'm sure I'll do a post at some point, but the first video is up. It's the raw play recording. First 45 mins. Think I get to the climb in that one.