One hour to go, then 24 hours of mayhem ahead.

in #poecomp6 years ago


Well there's a sentence that took us on a journey.
Read the full conversation -here-

TL;DR - a casual observer noticed I hadn't mentioned any female participants, took the initiative to spend the last 3 months completely immersing herself in the game and recruiting others; and now she's one of 3 ladies in the race.
It doesn't rain, it pours.

Of course, entering is one thing; earning a place on the podium is a whole other story.

@diana-tuh - Account
@supersoju - Account
@linnyplant - Account
@ratticus - Account
@enjar - Account
@nvisible - Account
@moon32walker - Account
@gamingchimp - Account
@cryptosenpai - Account
@kanrat - Account

These people are fine, upstanding individuals. They're your colleagues and friends on the steem blockchain; for the next hour.

Then, for the following 24 hours; they're going to try and keep you from victory and riches and deserve no quarter.
Try not to think of them as people, but as stepping stones on your road to glory.

See you on the field, ladies and gentlemen.


OzRatticus - Templar L8 - Died from incompetence in a memory fragment
OzRatticusII - Templar L2 - Died from incompetence
OzRatticusIII - Templar L36 - Died in a tight battle with Dominus that ended with Dominus having no visible health left on the final phase of the fight.
SneakyDuelist - Duelist L?? (18 maybe?) - Died running a memory thing from the nexus

Not sure I have it in me to start another character after a rather full day of play, but I'm sure going to have a blast this league playing with the mechanics of the memory machines

I thought I was going to die at L2 in the memory fragment too. I thought I would go in to have a peep at what was in there. When the mobs swarmed at me I freaked out. Tried to find a portal in my bag but had none. Lucky the shadow got me and I was pulled out to safety.

You wouldn't believe it but I dreamt about the race!! I dreamt the start required you to complete some tests before you can begin the game. The tests were lab mazes/problem solving cross Lara Croft play style.

There was a risk of getting arrows shot into your buttocks in one area. In another area you dip your finger into a bowl of water and poke the ground of a mini maze with mini animals running around. I poked a frog! Almost in the eye too! Then the final one you have to run across a tiled floor which collapses as you run on them. And you must find the door to exit before you fall to your death!

Anyways; I must go; can't wait to play later tonight; don't get too far ahead my fellow competitors.

If they pull in front, you can always catch up in the frog-eye-poking section.

Not if the arrows shoot me in the bum first.

I am ready for battle and I am waiting for the queue at 36 029 place! I enjoying the event! Let`s savor every moment! Good luck!

Here we go I hope no one gets disconnections early
Good luck to everyone and have fun.

Good luck everyone. I'm still updating, but will be in soon enough

Good Luck Everyone!

Have fuuuuuuuuuuun :D

@gorc has cowardishly bailed on this one because he's "too indecisive" XD maybe next time lol XD

Not choosing is choosing. Any time you're ready, @gorc.

Thanks @mattclarke for organising the exciting 24hr HC PoE race! Not sure if I caught up in the frog-eye-poking section but the race against time was on.

I thought I could set up my character the way I had previously played on my first character; but being new to the game and first time experiencing the start of a new league; the new/changes to skills and gear threw me off guard. But it was interesting and fun to see new things.

OneCrazyCatLady - Witch L39 - Surprising still alive and kicking; but I ran out of time.

SuperJuJu - Scion L3 - Created this as a back up; but realised I didn't know how to build her. Wasted time trying to figure it out; I should have known not try a Scion considering I haven't played an other classes besides a witch. I have no idea about any of the other skills/abilities. But I thought maybe she would be easy to get into; boy was I wrong.

I tried @linnyplant; but I don't think it was enough; I was so dead tired when I got home and struggled to process anything new in my head. Also I wont be able to start a new character anytime soon; I received 2 new projects last night. So make sure you post about your experience to keep me updated! But first; I am waiting for your post on how your experience went with the race. After you catch some zzzz that is. 😘

How come I didn't get an alert for this earlier! Busy is getting weirder and weirder. It seems so all over the place with alerts lately. ANYWAY, I didn't catch you at the end. I was in trauma and also dead tired and sleepy. hahaha

YOU DID AMAZING! Read my post that I just put out. I know by how many people I chat to that attempting Hardcore with our level of experience and also at league start isn't usually the thing. hehehe I couldn't even find any hardcore players to speak to even in a hardcore voice channel. It was filled with Softcore people! One guy on that voice was telling me he could not get past Kole, he's the big guy you would have had to fight in the Lunaris temple after many many attemps. Not many people would attempt hardcore the way we did, so not bad considering our limited experience. You're a winner in my books to end up with one alive! <3

I'm not sure about you, but I plan to have at least another attempt during the course of Synthesis. To see if I can do better than 38 after some more experience. If I continue to play PoE, I will always play a Hardcore SSF character anyway. It forces me to pay attention and if you google more on racing strategies, it's quite fascinating how technical it is. So I hope you stay with me and play as soon as you have free time again. I would miss you otherwise! You should really give voice on discord a go, it's good!

Congratulations everyone. Great race. I've saved everyone's progress at exactly 24 hours and will post results and prizes later on today.

I fought to the last, to ten o'clock! :) gamingchimp outwitted me!

It was a lot of fun :D even if I lost all my chars XD I learned a lot, and it was an interesseting event to experience.

Surely stepping stones to glory will be overcomed

Just got back to find out the game has not started to patch yet!!!!! It's set to auto patch. You have failed me again Steam!!!!!!!!

Patch started downloading 2h ago for me, but I restarted Steam to be sure it starts right away. Unfortunately my internet speed is not that great, so I'm expecting at least 5-6h from now for download to complete. Always tense these league starts!

Good luck everyone!

Mine has finally started and is saying nearly 2 hours to complete the update. stupid slow internets

In the end it was very hot! When I saw that they were overtaking me in the ranking of the highest level, I rushed headlong through the bosses of Act 5 and up to the end of Act 6! Still, gamingchimp was faster! It was fun. I recorded everything on the video and you will definitely like the ending of the race. Most likely in a couple of days I'll post. A lot of hours turned out.

interesting :D I'll be waiting to read about the experience of everyone, I'll write about mine too ^_^

Can't wait to read about it

Woah on video? That would be a very big file.

Good luck you crazy, crazy kids!

Yes, obstacles are stepping stones to success.

Good luck everyone !