Some epic fails in this race, but none as epic as mine.

in #poecomp6 years ago

This is the Orb of Regret and my inventory is full of them.

To launch the #poecomp race I set my alarm for an hour before it started (5:30am my time), to check for any new entries, and post the official list of entrants.

To finish the race, I just reset the same alarm and got up at the same time the next day; took down the results with painstaking accuracy and went back to sleep; 23 hours after the 24 hour race started.
Before saving the results to my spreadsheet and going back to bed I even went back to double check, and noticed half the field were still playing; which didn't at the time trigger any sort of suspicions in me.

I was just really taken with everyone's enthusiasm for the game.

So that leaves me with a super accurate record of the state of everyone's accounts exactly an hour before the end of the race; and not much else.

I realised halfway through my daughter's birthday party today; and a lot of 4 year old's almost learned some new words.

So. Before I reach out to Grinding Gear Games for results; I thought I'd see if my field of competitors could agree to agree on the outcome.

I'm sorry to have to do it, and after the effort you all put in, I hate to put you in the position of needing to make claims; but I know most of you are keeping a close eye on your nearest competitors in each class and will know whether you won your class or not.
Many have already advised they had no survivors at the end, but I also know there were some neck and neck battles for the top spot.

If you believe you won highest in a class; please let me know in the comments. If we have no disagreements; then I'll start sending out prize money. If there is some contention in a particular class; then I can take those specifics to the boys at GGG to discern the result.

Again I absolutely apologise for this oversight (or lack of oversight).

I don't yet know who won, but I'm certain it wasn't I.


I guess distraction was bound to happen when it's an important day for your little girl. Glad you managed to keep those expletives in! 😆

The piecing together of who won seems like quite a fun puzzle really. The kind of challenge a gamer can rise to!

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They're a good bunch of competitors, the chain tends to attract our sort of people. Transparency fans.
I'm sure we can sort it out :)

First of all, thank you for creating this amusing event, also happy birthday to your daughter.
I am very glad that I had the chance to participate in this race thanks to @linnyplant, It was an amazing experience I managed to learn a lot of things concerning hardcore playstyle, I used to play a lot in the normal league, but this is my first time trying hardcore :D.
Unfortunately, I lost lvl 37,40 and 44 characters.
about the new league, I was building the divine ire skill, I found it really powerful especially when used with the lightning spire trap and the adrenaline banner.

Thanks for participating, mate. Great to have you onboard, sorry you didn't do better this time; but we'd love to have you back for the next one. Consider hanging around, posting and commenting on gaming content generally, and the #pathofexile tag specifically in the meantime.
I feel like this game and this chain were made for each other.

thank you, so much even if I lost my characters there were no regrets ( but augmentation orbs ) I was really happy participating, thanks to this event I have the chance to relive that feeling when everything going wrong but never giving in while doing our best with a big smile against the hardships of life, and that is a way of life in itself I'll end this comment with a quote from one piece that I guess fit the Hardcore experience
"When the world shoves you around, you've gotta stand up and shove back. It isn't like you can do anything just by giving excuses. If I die then I am just a man who can only make it this far." -Roronoa Zoro.

Brilliant insight.
That's the thing with hardcore. Softcore feels like a movie to me now.
If I put in the time in front of the screen, I know I'm going to see the full story.
It barely even feels like I'm participating in the experience.
Great to have your smile along for the journey.

Like @supersoju and @ratticus, you've really been good for me on this PoE journey. I know going in the HC is not a format you had experience in, but never mind that, this will be great practice for the next one!! Your results for this one was fabulous anyway. I don't think there's any dishonor in ending the race dead, it just means you pushed as hard as you could.

So you were part of the inspiration for me being able to defeat Dominus. I couldn't mention it at the time you PM-ed me. I was just so tired by that point. But while I didn't get to exploring traps like you suggested, I did the next best thing with totems! See? You're always encouraging me to consider new ways to play. It's been great to see you not be fearful of failure and jumping into HC SSF, it's not for the fainthearted that's for sure!

Big thanks for all the time and lessons learned you share with me! A lot more experienced players try to give me advice, but they lack the empathy to understand or remember what it is like to be new to all of this, and honestly, their advice are rarely practical for my style or circumstances!

Thank you for taking the time to enter the race and following through to the deadly end.
More love to you! <3

EDIT: I should have added @mattclarke has been top of the list in pushing me along this journey, but it was a given to me. Best I add it though just in case he gets the wrong impression. haha

You are welcome dear @linnyplant, and it was really nothing, you too have inspired me a lot during the journey, and I learned a lot of things from you as well, during the race I usually peeked on your character in my friends list to see which act you are in, and when I saw that you made it past Dominus I was really happy, :D looking forward for the next race.

I don't think there's any dishonor in ending the race dead, it just means you pushed as hard as you could.

Could not agree more. If anything, the devastation of losing a treasured contender means winning costs a lot less than losing.

Provisional results. Please upvote if you agree. (1% is fine) When everyone has upvoted I'll pay the winners.
Scratch that; if I hear no objections in the next 24 hours, I'll go ahead and pay out on these results.
@diana-tuh - Shadow - 52
@supersoju - No winners.
@linnyplant - No winners.
@ratticus - No winners.
@enjar - No winners.
@nvisible - No winners.
@moon32walker - No winners.
@gamingchimp - Templar - 18, Scion - 40, Witch - 54 - Highest overall
@kanrat - No winners.
@cryptosenpai - Marauder - 39, Duelist - 24, Ranger - 24
Thanks, again for your patience and co-operation in this, guys.

No living contenders. Only dead Templars and a dead Duelist

That's quite the death-toll, mate. Always great to have you in the running.

Ratticus is great and his knowledge is part of my PoE journey.It wouldn't be the same if he wasn't running!

He's been around since the start. Always glad to see him make time, particularly with a beautiful young kidlet to look after.

I've replied my characters to another comment, but I suppose it's easier for you if it's here as well! :)

At the end of the race i had:
Templar - LvL 18, I think @nvisible had a lvl44 but died
Witch LvL 54, which was the #1 overall, @linnyplant had a level 38 which died, and @supersoju had a lvl 39 one.
Scion LvL 40, @diana-tuh had a lvl26 but I think no one else had Scions.

You really put a lot effort into races, so I'm pretty sure no one minds that you didn't screen at the finish line. :)

Thanks for hosting these man, it's really a pleasure to compete, this one might've been the most intense and fun so far.

Super big congrats on taking out the Witch class and overall champ, @gamingchimp!

Well, @supersoju, @nvisible & @diana-tuh, it's pretty clear to me that we have a #1 target to shoot down next race. So let's all make sure we play hard, sharpen those PoE skillz for the next one. lol

I'll make sure to print out a target with gamingchimp as the bullseye next race too. I suggest we all do the same!

I ended with:

  • lvl 39 Marauder -> We competed against each other till the end with @kanrat for this position.
  • lvl 24 Duelist -> There were a few Duelists under 10, Ratticus said he was around 20 but died.
  • lvl 24 Ranger -> If I remember well, no one started another.

No need to be hard on yourself. It's all good, I bet everyone checked each other like in every 30 minutes. :D

Happy birthday to your daughter! :)

Thanks mate. That's a nice result, well done. Looking forward to hearing back from everyone.
Hopefully no conflicts but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I lost all my characters

No winners for me either.

Happy 4th birthday to your daughter. I'm sure the new words the 4 year old's almost learn would have been very colourful. lol

Thanks again for organising; it was fun to join and now I have sore fingers. lol

My arch-enemy this run was the internet, slow download speed and lag spikes all around. My Scion died on lvl 32 due to lag spike on Dominus boss fight of all things. My Shadow ended on lvl 28.

I see gaming chimp and cryptosempai ended on top again, those guys are not joking around :)

Also ladies did good, congrats ladies, the cat spirit was strong in ya.

End note, I'll continue playing my shadow on HC, let's see how long he will last while the pressure of competition is off.

Yeah, its fantastic to see the ladies putting their stamp on it.
Wish Goodpostsir my best. Hope to see you next time :)

Goodpostsir still has some fight left in him, chaos spells are really strong in this league.

As long as you keep making these I'll be joinin :)

Goodluck! I'm actually disappointed you didn't make it to the podium, but there's another challenge, let's see if you get to maps!! ;)

Our @supersoju did great. Very proud of her, since she's been such a good sport in letting me drag her into the PoE arena. It honestly would have been harder had she not been around to keep me entertained. Her cat definitely has a strong spirit, you were a clever man to notice that too! lol

Ah well, maybe next time I'll also get a cat. Seems to be working to have a little critter around :)

Getting to maps on hardcore is hardcore indeed, the farthest I've gone was Kitava end boss fight. I don't think having one cat is enough to beat the bastard on hardcore, a whole litter perhaps, combined 50 lives together :)

I really think buying a litter of cats for the purpose of completing the Acts is over-kill. lol You might be able to chain all their lives together and somehow transfer that survivability over. But I wouldn't want you to be disappointed and be left holding the cat litter, while Kitava remains undefeated...

I think it might be more practical if you just load a new instance of your last Kitava defeat and practice that way. Note: I did this myself with Dominus, and it didn't make me any better. But the frustration of running it in close succession and failing did at least get me seeking alternative options. Hence, I used totems for the first time.

Anyway, I will pray to the PoE gods for you, but even without their blessings or additional pets, I think you can get it done!!

Yes; Soju tried to help by pawing at the screen or blocking it with her see through body before finally napping parts of her body over my keyboard. Oh and there were a few tail swipes at my hand on the mouse; I think she trying to tell me I was going the wrong way. Maybe I should have listened to her; because I did go the wrong way a few times.

If you got a litter of cats; I don't think you would be able find your keyboard or mouse. You would probably have to mount your monitor to the ceiling too if you want to be able to see anything.

Hearing all those meows would be like a huge moral support. Sure, they would be all over the place, but why make it easy, we are all hardcore people :D


I can't believe I stayed up so late playing PoE. I just wanted to see how far I could go in the race.

You did amazing as far as I am concerned. <3

LOL @ 'Goodpostsir'
That is hilarious.

I try :)

Was it a totem based character? :D

Chaos selfcaster, should of gone for totems :)

Ah darn man I did not look this time around. I know my 40 shadow was not good enough. I don’t know about the rest.

23.x hours honestly sounds good enough for me. I don't know if anyone felt they where in a close enough race a few extra minutes was enough to make the difference.

@holoz0r suggested I surprise you all by extending the race for another 6 days ;)
If there are any disagreements, I'm confident I can find the state of the relevant accounts at the specific (correct) time, it'd just mean a delay for those classes, and I'd rather knock it on the head sooner than later.
One of the chars died between the first time I checked and the casual double-check I did 15 mins later.
I remember thinking he must have held off on something difficult until after the race; then tackled it and died. Turns out he was just pushing hard in the last hour.

suggested I surprise you all by extending the race for another 6 days


lol well the Delve mine in softcore has already wrapped its cold grip around me.

Next time you just need to have a 23 hour format!

Turns out he was just pushing hard

Only thing I ever do in last hours is work on my post hehe. Some you people are crazy amazing fighting it out till the end.

I'm still open to this happening.

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6 days extension.... I am in

I'd rather not tell my wife about it :)

Just get her to play too :)

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I tried that already. But she doesn't like Diablo and POE that much.
She is playing SWTOR, which I don't like anymore. :)

My wife to be is currently playing through KOTOR for the first time. She's been tempted by SWTOR, though - been watching hours of it on YouTube, she has!

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If I'm not wrong, in my class (Marauder) CryptoSenpai won. He had level 39 at the end.
It would have taken me a few more hours to catch up with him again.

Next time I'll know earlier when it is and I'm better prepared. :)

It was a lot of fun and I had some nearly deaths with light heart attacks.

Well, and winning a 23 hour race would be something special. Anyone can race 24 hours ;)

And of course happy birthday to your daughter! :)

Thanks for taking a chance, starting an account; and throwing your hat in the ring, mate.
You've been a great competitor, and I hope to see you again when the next league drops :)

Thank you for organizing the whole thing! It was really fun. :-)

I am definitely back again. :)

I won the class "shadow"! In the last hour, there was a fierce race for the highest level between me and @gamingchimp. He deservedly won. Our breakthrough from 45-47 lvl to 52-54 can be recorded in history! I am already mounting the video to show how my race went and how I managed to survive!

Excellent. Thanks for that, Diana. And for competing. He beat you with his Witch? (Currently level 54)
Is anyone else claiming to have had a higher shadow than Diana's?
I look forward to the video, sounds like an epic duel for top spot.

I have not seen a level above 54 lvl

Those last few hours were insane indeed! :D Yeah @mattclarke, my witch was the overall #1, and I think my lvl18 Templar was #1 in the class and my lvl 40 Scion as well.

Honestly, I'm surprised how he managed to survive. He has very little protection. I thought he would die! ;) But he obviously knows the content of the game well and dodged the punches well! I would like to hear his comments! ;)

I did everything to make the 75% resists happen (i basically crafted all my items to have more resist, also did some health crafts), but I think the nature of storm brand was that kept me alive since I barely had enemies that could run up to me because of my insane damage :D If you havent tried that spell I can definitely recommend it, it's amazing.


Well hopefully that 23 hour split-time comes in handy at some point!???

I'm sure the players will have an accurate record - or at least claim they do!

And, a happy belated birthday to your daughter 😁

Happy birthday to your daughter who almost got her vocabulary expanded. Indeed would have been a learning experience. LOL Blessings and enjoyed the blog. @mattclarke

@mattclarke, Sending my wishes to your daughter and hope that Birthday of your Little Angel celebrated amazingly. Stay blessed and enjoy your time ahead.

Okay, slowly catching up on my Steem reading. This was an amazing event, Matt. It was a thrill to be part of the race and being committed to it meant I forced myself to learn more than I planned. No need to be sorry for anything other than fanning the fires of competition and fun for us all. <3

I'll ping @nvisible on discord as well. He's still new to steem and I expect would not check the site regularly.

The most epic fail was I, who did not enter.

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I hope next time you are able to make some time!

I got dragged out to a comedy musical show. I would have rather been in Wraeclast!

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Happy birthday to your daughter

We are looking forward to the prize money that you will share with us

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Hi :)
Just as I logged in I remembered I'd forgotten to use holoz0r's referral link.
He's certainly responsible for getting me here, is there a way we can manually add him please?

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 6 years ago  Reveal Comment