Hmm I am just an angry writer I guess. A lot of pent up aggression.
Sorry to hear you went through troubles.
I always feel an air of chilliness between us somehow. Like you want to tell me how it is - but you don't. I thought you were sore because it felt like a social game we both weren't into.
I don't dig fake situations lately and steemit has always been rather fake, a lot of places online are rather fake though - so what can you do?
I am only direct to people on here. I don't really interact the same in real life. In real life -People just tend to use me to dump all their emotional shit on and I keep quiet and listen. In-fact I am really sweet when I first meet people. Give- em just enough social rope and watch and see if they choke themselves on it. People like to talk and it is in my listening that I determine whether it's even worth my time. My actual problem is that not a lot of people out there are worth my time. I am good with being alone apposed to being with people that make me feel uncomfortable for being me.
My hair is as short as Steve Carells
It hasn't been that long since I posted art, sometimes the art is here I just don't feel like making posts about it. I just put it on the marketplace and say bye-bye.
Can't help but remember all the time that this is a public forum as a private person, for that reason I've asked you to join Discord before. And I've never played any social games with you, nor do I have interest to do such things with anyone else either. It's a surprise that you've felt that way. Personally I do miss our conversations! And there's no trickery of any kind behind my words here, but you know, upvote for upvote ;) And that's a joke!
I guess we all have to find a way to let steam off somehow, writing angrily isn't the worst method by any means :) For me it's exhausting myself physically through exercise accompanied by music. Boring, I know, but it works for me. I've never been angry person though, or perhaps there just hasn't been any good reason to be one so far, who knows in the end. Trump though, that guy almost manages to make my blood boil, WTF?!
And I know what you mean, if you let people talk, they will. Sometimes I'm surprised of what they're willing to tell, emotional dumping is a fitting word. When it comes to meeting new people and enjoying solitude we're the same, except I'm not quite sure what you mean by this "giving the rope and see if they choke on it" :)
Well that's shorter than my hair then. How does it feel compared to longer hair you had before? Miss it much or not at all?
I like you Iggy lets not worry about it.
I have short hair and it feels great. The long hair was getting frizzed out and I hated having to straighten it or curl it all the time. Now I rub my head when I am thinking deeply and it feels great.
I tried to grow long hair but damn, at one point when the hair isn't really long but not short either, it becomes a nightmare to have it manageable and look somewhat in control... so short hair it is for me :) Welcome to the easy hair life club ;)
Since I will never be on discord you should send me your best hair flip picture via email.

Email these days feels like writing old fashioned letters, but sure, I dig it. Share yours in reply and edit it out once I catch it?
I am old Iggy - like in my 30s old... Like my first email was around the time that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan where still young enough that we wanted to watch them cyberfuck.

Didn't we have to exchange the art via email? I thought you still had it.
Too young to be clutching onto aging technology though, embrace the advancements we're making and enjoy the ride! You know I'll be on the cutting edge when I hit 80's, or so I'll think! But emails work just fine.
I only have one email linked with my mobile that I use actively, I've forgotten the info to email I used for the art exchange. I'll be online for a while so just throw it out and I'll get it here