《春晓》是一首五言绝句,作者是唐朝诗人孟浩然。写出了在春季的早晨,睡着的人醒来时所感受到的生活场景片段,描写了一种惜春的感情。 我将这首绝句改成开斋节版本。
Spring Dawn is a famous poem written by Meng Hao Ran from the Tang Dynasty. It describes the morning of the spring, and those who feels the passion of the spring. I rewrite this poem into “Hari Raya” version.
春眠不觉晓, In Spring one sleeps, unaware of dawn;
处处闻啼鸟, everywhere one hears crowing birds.
夜来风雨声, In the night came the sound of wind and rain;
花落知多少。who knows how many flowers fell?
六月十四日,In 14 June,
处处都塞车。everywhere traffic jams.
夜来鞭炮声,In the night came the sound of firecrackers,
开斋要到了。it comes to the end of Ramadan.

Qing Ming is a famous poem written by Du Mu from the Tang Dynasty. It describes the raining season of “Qing Ming” festival, and those who sadly feel the passion of the festival. I rewrite this poem into “Hari Raya” version.
清明时节雨纷纷,The rain falls thick and fast on All Souls’ Day,
路上行人欲断魂。The men and women sadly move along the way.
借问酒家何处有,They ask where wine shops can be found or where to rest-
牧童遥指杏花村。And there the herd boy’s fingers Almond-Town suggest.
开斋时节热腾腾,The weather is extremely hot during Ramadan,
路上车行回家门。The cars move along the way on their journey home.
借问油站何处有,They ask where oil stations can be found or where to rest-
路牌遥指休息站。And there the signboard addresses to the R & R.

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