
in #poem6 years ago

I will not be defined by your need to understand me
Your confusion to comprehend my ability
Your wonderment when the square peg fits in the round hole
Your limited imagination will not restrain me

This is the moment I claim me
I defend the beautiful filthy creature I am
No longer will I live within the black hole of your soul
With endless attempts to turn on the light

No longer will my definition get mixed up by your emotion
I will no longer give power to the words you use
The words screamed into a fragile child's ears
The demons of your past are banished within me

In this moment I claim my power
To tower where many cower
Indulge in someone else's heart you sponge
For today is the day I stand for me

No longer will you oppress me to feel strong
Place yourself above me to feel empowered
Your flattery and charm are gone with an alarm
For now I see your fragile self image

The weakness you hid behind false superiority
Up until now I miss why this did not occurre to me
So for now succubus I send you down a spiral
As you witness my grateful beautiful smile