Old Detroit was a crime-ridden city,
That needed a cop
Who would fight without pity,
And never rest in the fight against crime.
So they made a solution: ED-209.
(Image from Kaijumatic)
Its debut appearance
Was not a success,
It shot poor Kenny
To a bloody red mess.
So someone stepped in
With an alternative plan
To build a cyborg
Half robot, half man.
Murphy was chasing
Some thugs with Nancy.
He said to his partner,
"You know, I don't fancy,
Going alone"
But no back up was sent.
They reached the lair
Of Detroit's drugs king,
Maiming and murder
Were his kind of thing.
Murphy was captured,
Shot in the head,
Took back to OCP,
Where he was claimed dead.
They took his body,
To a high-tech parts shop,
Now Alex Murphy is Robocop!
(Image from Robocop wiki)
Get on the streets,
Where there's crime going down,
Look out all you villains,
There's a new guy in town.
Robo was ruthless
Never looked behind,
Until those dreams
Entered his mind.
He dreamed of the killers,
Who gave him his end,
Became vigilante,
Out for revenge.
Became a terror,
Who never could rest
He was ordered dismantled,
By the Vice Chairman, no less!
Now he was corrupt
And up to no good,
Robo would bust him,
Like any cop should.
He read him his rights,
Then started to frown,
His system malfunctioned,
Began to shut down.
"You're no ordinary cop,
But a product of mine.
Now meet your destroyer,
With missiles blaring,
ED pounded along.
But something about
Its design was wrong.
Ok it could fight,
With a menacing stare,
But ED-209,
Could not walk down stairs!
Robo found Nancy,
They both made haste,
Dumped one poor sod,
In toxic waste.
The others were shot,
Again and again,
Then Robo got dumped on,
By a guy in a crane.
Clarence the leader,
Leaned over to gloat,
And got a spike,
Rammed into his throat.
At OCP the VP lost it,
He took the company's
President hostage.
Because of design,
Robo couldn't arrest,
The cause of so much grief and detest.
"I can't shoot him,
Although he's a liar",
And then the President,
Said, "Jack, you're fired!"
Robo said "thank you",
And fired just so,
To blow the VP
Out of the window.
(Image from Robocop Wiki)
The President turned to Robocop,
"Nice shooting, son. Who might you be?"
Robocop smiled.
"It's debut appearance Was not a success,It shot poor Kenny To a bloody red mess."
Hahaha this was great, Robocop is one of my favorite action flicks of all time but I never even imagined someone would make a poem about it. Have you considered doing one for Robocop 2? All the poor Robocops who commit suicide!