The Lawyer and the Jockey
Rhyming Couplet Ideas
by inspiremetowrite
See the drooling of the lawyer,
I think he's angry at the steuer.
He finds it hard to see the bear,
Overshadowed by the springy air.
Who is that snorting near the ace?
I think she'd like to eat the marketplace.
She is but an evil jockey,
Admired as she sits upon a yamasaki.
Her grumpy car is just a spider,
It needs no gas, it runs on provider.
She's not alone she brings a flower,
a pet panda, and lots of airpower.
The panda likes to chase a goldfish,
Especially one that's in the scorpion fish.
The lawyer shudders at the wild duck
He want to leave but she wants the smuck.
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