I appreciate the insight. I do understand it is encouraging criticism ..I encourage constructive criticism as its a great source to grow.
The reason why I used, both first and second person was to try behold a subjective perspective. Is the poet, a drug dealer, or is he the substance abuser. (I ended it with the substance abuser.)
I am no longer on drugs, I have been clean for a while. A moment of inspiration struck that allowed me to put my thoughts onto paper.
I take a lot of belief from your response @poetrybyjeremy
I'm glad you have managed to stop using drugs, I know it's a hard path.
I do understand what you were trying to do, but look at this sentence:
In the opening line, you already are saying that it is harmful to your own health. I could tell you are talking to yourself. If you played it all in the second person, we would have understood with the last line.
Also, while re-reading it, I spotted a couple of typos. "your escaping" should be "you're escaping". "I sold drugs too" becomes "I sold drugs to". Don't worry, these are mistakes a lot of people do, especially when English isn't their first language. Heck, even those with English as first-language to these. But, it would not be fair for me to not point it out ;) We all learn from our mistakes.