I was bad, like a wrotten egg
I was like a rag, very dirty like a pig
I came to you smelling
Your unconditional love forgave me.
I was sick, almost leaving earth
I was very weak, unsure about tomorrow
I ran you with so much swelling
Your unconditional love healed me.
I was sad, as if everything was gone
It made me mad, feeling I can't be alright
I ran to you with my bad feelings
Your unconditional love saved me
I was on the dark side, thinking I was cool
I thought I was on the right side, thinking everything was alright.
I ran to you screaming
Your unconditional love took me back
I was afraid, scared of everything
I knew the mistakes I made, I was running away from many things
I ran to you trembling
Your unconditional love held me
I was a failure, never knew success
I needed a motivator, someone who would talk sense to me
I ran to you crying
Your unconditional love saved me.
I was lost, alone in an unknown land
By the day it became worse, it got me really worried
I ran to you shaking
Your unconditional love brought me out.
I Love this Unconditional Love
Thank you Jesus for this Unconditional Love.
Inspired by otihi Emmanuel on facebook (my real good friend)
By magdnrobinson
Visit me on facebook @magdn-robinson osadoh.
Nice. Thank you for posting, Explore also posts I share..
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Nice post bro........you are a genius
Thanks sweetheart for visiting my blog.@ayoyemi, am honored.
😘 😘 lemme stamp that on your cheek
Nice Post..
Thanks bro.
Your comments mean much to me
Great post.
I love picture.
Thanks so much
I love pictures too
I love the image in the post. It drew my attention to the poem. Kudos
Hope you enjoyed it.