Let us dance on the edge of the moon
I want to see our feet glitter
Let us run on the silver linings
I want this story to glow in essence
Let us do right by our presence
So we can write our present
For the future of our past
If we come to this world again
Only by thine heart may I dine
Though you be me and I be you
Thine heart again may I dine
Mornings of sweet dew and pleasantries
Evenings of wining at the edge of the moonlight
Stories in the sands of time
Memories in the pages of eternity
Quest to find a love that never ends
Hearts to bind to souls that live forever
Hold my hand as I hold yours
Tro this trip of intimacy
As I need you Into me see
Submerged in the ocean of emotion
Entangled in the web of lovers thoughts
Like circles run in never ending motion
Parallel to the cost of our desires
Castles of beauty and precious adornments
On each day at your feet be a present
original written by @mistakili
just testing