Souls Colliding...

in #poem7 years ago (edited)

Flashing back to a piece of writing done in August 2011...

Souls colliding
in the most mysterious of ways...
Webs of relationships
linking spirits together beyond time & space,
invoking unexplainable magnetism
in the world of the seen...

Paths crossing,
for reasons we cannot know -
Divine logic outside the realm of the mind.
Yet undeniable,
contracts to be served -
each coming perfectly,
as the universe aligns...

Across borders,
we are drawn
to those whose but none others' reflection can
show facets of ourself
so distant, so familiar, so near...

With challenge, we are presented -
to learn, to grow, to set right...
Teachers emerging as students,
and students as teachers -
friendships blossoming
as the vehicle for our evolution...
Knowing ourselves
as we come to know others,
order is restored to centuries of confusion,
karma made complete
through the balance of love, sharing,
and discovery...

Questions arise,
but never can be answered -
dynamics only explored...
The purpose for our unions
to remain in wonder -
experienced, not analyzed -
enjoyed without thought -
surrendered to...

Despite differences,
connections are forged -
the compliments of views, knowledge, and passion
bestowing the world with
a synergy of spirit...

Opportunity emerging
to build within & without...
Each providing the elements
for alchemy of our reality -
Our presences creating the space
for transformation of all...
Unearthing ourselves
with the mirror our companions gift,
our power is revealed -
together, re-entering the playground of life
with new vision, wisdom,
and joy...
alone, expanding in the light
our new friends have introduced...

How blessed could we be -
arriving to a planet, surrounded by angels -
the ones we need appearing
in perfect time,
to shine light on what we need to see...

With grace, we are touched -
guides emerging,
with whom our discovery accelerates -
each oblivious to the ways we are serving,
though undeniably powerful
to impact the maturing of these partners -
Miracles unfolding,
so often without a trace...

The magic of humanity, we witness,
as bonds constructed across the globe
deliver us the insight to transcend -
bridges to new perspectives
expanding our minds -
connections at our depths
opening our hearts...
In awe, our gratitude flourishes -
new links to the most amazing beings
drawing us into realms of possibilities
for self-realization,
and contribution...
Whether going further or not,
forever, we are changed
as our souls collide...


Everything about this spoke to things going on in my life on many levels. relationships, life, i even wrote a post yesterday, about "human angels" among other related-to-this things...

I already really like your music, this is a nice side dish.


Ended up going back to some old writing to find something else in particular, and this just sorta jumped out and body got into action posting it here. Cool to hear this feedback and know that half-conscious action turned out to be well-timed and serve at least one person for where they’re (you’re) at now... 😇

Ok first of all this is the longest poem I have ever read.

The magic of humanity, we witness,
as bonds constructed across the globe
deliver us the insight to transcend -
bridges to new perspectives
expanding our minds -
connections at our depths

This kind of reminds me of this platform and how I feel a connection even to people I share different a philosophy from and have never met. Amazing to see how much our spirits connect despite location, philosophical and even cultural differences

No words to explain the exquisite beaty of the lines...already been told by so many steemit greats in writing- crypto and now poem. You have masteted everything... 👍Rok the Rockstar👌

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Change as our soul collides is somehow inevitable. Spirits are bound to collide and unimaginable things which is beyond our control happens. And even when this are happening challenges also contributes to our perception towards life,teacher turns out to student and student as teachers. I still also believe that with all this mystery of life, things are bound to change, as our soul collides. Thanks for the knowledge.

Colliding souls are souls who are looking for ultimate peace. When the mind, body physically, and the soul are in harmony, peace will come. Peaceful souls do not deny conscience, do not deny the mind, do not harm humans and nature. That is the soul that is close to God. I love the poem @rok-sivante.

( "With challenge, we are presented -
to learn, to grow, to set right...
Teachers emerging as students,
and students as teachers -
friendships blossoming
as the vehicle for our evolution..." )
This is a fragment or verse of your poem that I really like and in my opinion the words or sentences are arranged neatly and deeply. I am sure anyone who reads this verse will inspire his deepest sense of instinct. Thanks for sharing @rok-sivante

I loved reading this lovely crafted post. “Across borders, we are drawn to those whose but none others reflection can show facets of ourself so distant, so familiar, so near...” I can relate to this feeling...unity and diversity fused within and without. I love the soul in this piece <3

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Amigo, es un hermoso poema, me gusta mucho. I love it, congratulations, uff its pretty poetry.
Greetings from Venezuela


Questioning about the purpose of our existence in this world and what makes us really really happy... I think we all need to think about it, and I agree with you, to give all the best for all is the main reasons we are here and what makes us find truly happiness.

Great man

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In this way, you will be frustrated with Steemit. Add some valuable comments and build a relationship. Enjoy the process and in the process you are going to be rewarded.

Great man

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Wow! Nice peom...I love the way you played with figures of speech.

Despite differences,
connections are forged -
the compliments of views, knowledge, and passion
bestowing the world with
a synergy of spirit...

This is the more reason why we are higher animal...ability to put side our differences is what makes us who we are.