Frame to transaction hash

in #poem4 years ago


Day by day I date fate familiars

With their magical palms cupping my eyes

On 11/11/2020 at 11:11am ( @ block 11 )

I set in motion the wish warming my shoulders


Frame by frame I unleash a render

The circuit candle cradles my breath

A copper light threads a silicon seamstress

My mouth opens as she stitches my throat


Box by box on my calendar

It seems I've found what I've lost

Cryptocoins fly to me by courier

The misplaced and the gifted pay transaction costs


Score by score in my lifetime

I duck and weave looking for air between boxer jabs

The universe is my opponent...when I can't see

She's in my corner cheering for me long past the last round


Hash to transaction hash the digital dream

My grandfather chartered in me

The soul is salted and satiated

The earth presses seeds into my pores

Farmed value grows on trees

These are early renders from a post related to nodevember, a month where artist make procedural blender art. The final render (I hope) will be in blue with nodes included to show how anyone can make a liquid effect just with vector displacement.

The minimalism here is heavily inspired by muratpak.

The way the pros work with vector displacement is to show a 3d sphere so everyone can see the starting point.


Then using math very clever manipulation and a pinch of magic, you can make a sphere morph into a desired object and back again. Go to twitter and search for #nodevember to see what I am talking about. It is somewhat futile to let words describe what the visuals show in seconds.

I am very very new to the concept, and I even lower the quality of my renders to get faster results. My old computer can't handle the quality of the magnitude and finish rendering all images within a day for a HD 4 second animation.

I have thus far completed a cookie, candy, fruit, a pastry, layered animation, fluffy item, drawing item, and a fractal. I am still working on 19 more themes and trying to experiment and submit to whatever theme I can conjure with the couple spare hours I have after work is done and the kids are in bed.

The standard post includes an image or vector displacement animation and it is very typical to see an artist post the nodes they used to make their art. Here are the blender nodes I used to make the final version of the fluid/paint (just checked and the animation fits both) submission.


One of these items is for sale on NFT as 10 separate editions selling for 10 hive each. If you want to burn 9 and make the first edition a 1/1 that'll cost 100 Hive.

Buyers beware that I am still processing the promised HD video in the unlockables folder, but it will be uploaded to the unlockables folder when it is complete since I have provided an unlisted link.

I am doing a video export and a render at the same time and my trusty old computer is feeling it tonight.


Thanks to @isaria @rektdoteth and @bardionson for picking up the latest editions of my last couple NFTs!! I appreciate you!
